1 Winning Independence2 Simultaneous Roundtable 3The Country’s 1 st Government4 The Articles of Confederation 5The Creation of the U.S.A.6 Federalist DBQs 7Debating the Constitution8 Cause & Effect: Bill of Rights 9Washington’s First Obstacles10 DIY : Branches & Powers
Cause & Effect : Bill of Rights 8
Washington’s First Obstacles Based on the slides, describe the and answer the terms and questions below. The 1 st Cabinet The 1 st Economic Crisis Hamilton’s Financial Plan The Whiskey Rebellion EQ : How did President Washington set the course for the new nation? 9
The 1 st Cabinet Executive Branch – Alexander Hamilton (Dept. of Treasury), Thomas Jefferson (Dept of State), Henry Knox (Dept. of War), Edmund Randolph (Attorney General) Judicial Branch – John Jay (1 st Chief Justice)
The 1 st Economic Crisis $52 million debt in bonds. – Those who were buying the bonds thought they would make a lot of money, but when they weren’t they sold them to investors. THEY were the ones making a lot of money NOW. Is that fair? Should the government pay back the state debt too?
Hamilton’s Financial Plan 1.U.S. pay back federal and state debts 1.It would prove the world that the U.S. could repay and honor its debts 2.The South disagreed because they already paid back debts, so the capital was placed between VA & MD 2.Create a national bank for depositing federal money 1.It should be safe, and give out money, but Jefferson said it was unconstitutional. 3.Impose high tax on goods imported into the country 1.It would protect U.S. manufacturers (NOT PASSED BECAUSE OF THE SOUTH)
The Whiskey Rebellion Congress passed a tax on whiskey to increase government revenue (profit) REVOLT!!!!!!!!! – The U.S. citizens did NOT appreciate the tax Because… The citizens attacked the tax collectors. George Washington sent in his army to end the revolt successfully. It proved that he was a strong leader.
DIY : Branches & Powers Based on your notes and textbook, create the Three Branches foldable below to list the 5 powers of each branch. 10 Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch The Three Branches of Government
10 The Three Branches of Government 5 Powers of the Branch