Difference between Education, Knowledge and Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Difference between Education, Knowledge and Learning

Both knowledge and education are synonyms but still has a borderline difference between them. Knowledge is gained from life experiences and age while education is learned from the books and may never be experienced. Knowledge is related to facts whereas education is related to learning, critical thinking and knowing oneself. Education grows with age whereas knowledge has no such growth rate, even a child can be more knowledgeable than an adult. One has to follow a system to be educated whereas knowledge can be gained without following any such systems.

The primary difference between the two is that education is formal process whereas knowledge is informal experience. Education is acquired through the formal institutions like school, colleges and universities, whereas knowledge is gained from the real life experiences. Hence education is a process of gaining knowledge for some useful application whereas knowledge is facts acquired from good education, peers, consultations and extensive reading.

Another difference between the two is that education is taught by the teachers to the students while knowledge is gained by itself or is self driven. Education is a process of learning and one comes to know various facts, ideas and theories. While on other hand knowledge is the application of these facts and theories. There are no set guidelines for it. Education has a predefined set of rules, regulations and curriculum whereas knowledge has no such boundaries. It can come from teacher, parents, friends, painful moments of life, joyous moments, children etc. Hence it is not taught but acquired by self efforts.

Lastly the difference between knowledge and education is that knowledge is a noun which is gained through experience and education. It is about understanding a particular fact or an event. It includes the raw information, understanding the matter and developing ones skills related to the matter having appropriate resources. One can have medical, scientific or commercial knowledge whereas education cannot be defines into small spheres, it is on the whole a complete system with facts related to age group and a person. It is rather more specific and defined.

1.Education is a formal process of gaining knowledge whereas knowledge is informally acquired through experiences. 2.Education needs institutions for learning while knowledge has no boundaries. 3.Education has a defined set of rules and curriculum whereas knowledge has no such limitations. 4.Education is learned from books and grows with age while knowledge is free to be acquired from surroundings and has no age limit

Difference Between Education and Learning

Education can be said to be a process through which a society passes on the knowledge, values and skills from one generation to another. Learning can be defined as the acquiring of new skills, knowledge, and values

Teachers are expected to be morally upright individuals who displayed good character. They are expected to teach and discipline their students to be respectful of authority and responsible in completing their lessons. While maybe not as visibly emphasized today, these expectations remain essentially unchanged. Because of teachers' influential role in the lives of young people, the public still expects teachers to display behaviors reflective of moral virtues, such as fairness and honesty, and to adhere to professional codes of conduct. A virtue is socially valued, while a moral virtue, such as honesty, is morally valued. Schools and teachers should educate for character, especially through teaching respect and responsibility. As teachers interact with students, it is vital for them to serve as role models of character by making professional judgments and decisions based on societal and moral virtues.

Both learning and education has a great influence on the mind and character of an individual. However, learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals, and, on the the other hand, education is acquired by individuals.

Education is the process of imparting knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, which can be beneficial to an individual. On the contrary, learning is the process of adopting knowledge, values and skills.

Learning is said to be an ongoing process Learning is said to be an ongoing process. An individual is always learning, from his birth till his death. Education is something that one gets at some point in their life. Another thing that can be said, is that learning is an informal process, and education is a formal process.

1. Education is the process of imparting knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, which can be beneficial to an individual. On the contrary, learning is the process of adopting knowledge, values and skills. 2. Learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals. On the the other hand, education is acquired by individuals. 3. Learning is said to be an ongoing process. Education is something that one gets at some point in their life.

4. Learning is an informal process, and education is a formal process. 5. Learning is knowledge gained through experience, and education is knowledge gained through teaching. 6. Education is something that an individual gets from an outside source. On the other hand, learning is something that evolves in the inner self.

Education vs. Experience

Basically, the main separating factor between the two, is the source of knowledge. In regards to education, you will attain knowledge preferably from fine print materials, such as the theory learned through textbooks and the like. Hence, it is what you generally learn at school, knowing that schools primarily employ the book-based system of learning. On the contrary, experience offers knowledge based on any other aspect, other than the sources just mentioned. It is a very broad concept that consists of both knowledge and skills.

There are various forms of experiences, which include mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and many others. Conversely, education can be divided into stages of primary, secondary and tertiary, or higher education (non compulsory).

1. Education, in general, is a bigger concept compared to experience. 2. Education is best exemplified in learning from books, while experience is on-the-job trainings 3. The source of knowledge for education is in printed materials, whereas, with experience, the knowledge is gained either through involvement or exposure. 4. A person with great experience is called an expert, while a person with great education, is not always immediately regarded as an expert in his or her field