Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Police: SAPS Annual Report 2009/10 Bilkis Omar Senior Researcher
Presentation outline 2 Introduction Good news Challenges: –Research –Research & crime stats –Performance measures –Operational issues –CPFs Conclusion
Introduction 3 The AR has an important role to play in ensuring that SAPS continues contributing towards a safer society Generally regarded as ‘just another’ document Contribution has been under-estimated
Good news 4 SAPS is to be commended on the professionalism of AR Improvement evident over years, in quality and content
Good news…cont 5 Language of SAPS in AR smarter, for e.g. –‘Quality of police, not quantity’, ‘focused recruitment’ –‘Discipline & fitness’, ‘command & control and improved infrastructure at stations’ Direction of SAPS in AR smarter, for e.g. –Seems to be a more open & cooperative relationship with civil society
Challenges 6 However… Certain omissions in AR which speak to efficiency & effectiveness of police and policing If rectified can go a long way in answering some questions, such as, how well SAPS is actually performing
Research challenges 7 AR does not make any recommendations, only provides reports and does brief crime analyses What is required is clear assessments, even critique of issues that are raised AR compiled by the research division of SAPS, this should be a simple matter for them
Research challenges cont… 8 No evidence of ‘internal, in-depth’ research by SAPS in AR Secretariat of Police mandated to do research Should be made obligatory in each division within SAPS as it can provide support for: –Oganisational changes & restructurings –Police operations –Informing policy
Research & crime stats challenges 9 Crime stats currently released once a year Should be released bi-annually However, should also be accessible as required for research purposes Can be done in accordance with SAPS procedures for research
Research & crime stats challenges 10 SAPS has a ethos of declining or ignoring requests for crime data Ultimately SAPS and those exercising oversight benefit from providing stats for research purposes
Challenges in performance measures 11 Current target measure in AR is 7%-10% Flawed as police do not determine crime rate and have no control over crime rates, yet are are measured by this Target measure recently dropped to 4%-7% While drop may lessen cases of crime stats manipulation & even remove some degree of pressure from police, it remains an incorrect measure of police performance
Other challenges…CPFs 12 CPFs currently located under the ambit of the SAPS CPFs play a central role in monitoring and support of police stations Should be relocated under the Secretariat of Police to improve effectiveness of CPFs and the monitoring capacity of the Secretariat itself
Operational challenges 13 Information provided on specialised units is too brief, especially in light of the challenges units were faced with since being restructured and then re-established Similarly, figures for backlog of forensic evidence should be provided, especially with the establishment of new robotics system
Conclusion 14 AR mostly used by police, government departments and organisations working in the field of policing Provides useful information & should be more informative to benefit policing ultimately