Safer Together Summit Plenary sessions: outcomes
Safer Together Summit What specific collaborative work should we now take forward to address these strategic challenges? Mental health Committed to a Pan London Vulnerability Reduction Summit with a view to the development of a cross public sector and third sector vulnerability reduction strategy for London. Further Vulnerability Management across London through: Pan London Information Strategy - the ability to pull data rather than one system - data warehousing. Commissioning - looking at what all services are putting into mental health and re-commission appropriate services.
Safer Together Summit What specific collaborative work should we now take forward to address these strategic challenges? Public safety and neighbourhoods Prevention agenda - looking at the strategic and long term view, particularly pooling of budgets. Fluidity and flexibility of policing inevitable, consistency of contact with local communities must always be a priority. Structural approach is important but it must meet local needs within e.g. policing hubs. Digital reporting and using this to capture intelligence. Change in channel shift.
Safer Together Summit What specific collaborative work should we now take forward to address these strategic challenges? Safeguarding and early intervention Move towards a clearly defined "whole systems" approach to tackling vulnerability, learning from Wandsworth and other "early adopters". The information-sharing deficit must be directly grasped - education, health, housing and others must step up to the plate... We need to consider a London-wide approach to tackling Domestic Violence.
Safer Together Summit What specific collaborative work should we now take forward to address these strategic challenges? Funding / resourcing models Don't start with the money! Build confidence and shared agendas. Consider the appropriate level for commissioning decisions. Build on pragmatic examples.
Safer Together Summit What specific collaborative work should we now take forward to address these strategic challenges? Capabilities and skills of our workforces Need to encourage more opportunities for careers to work across community safety agencies in London. That means the MPS needs to be more flexible in its career expectations in terms of how people join and how or when people leave (and potentially rejoin). Equipping our leaders with much better understanding and appreciation of other partners (such as much more structured secondment opportunities).
Safer Together Summit What specific collaborative work should we now take forward to address these strategic challenges? Governance and Accountability We need to press on in constructing a Community Safety Index: pan-London through to neighbourhood level, with clear additionality, public credibility and capacity to both analyse and engage/respond. The Index should be clear from the outset that it is a catalyst to drive effectiveness not a resource distribution mechanism. Governance across London needs to be reconfigured to drive the Safer Together agenda - we will need to commit some capacity and capability to do this.