Online Support for the Special Needs Learner Presenters: Tamika Durrah and Katie Hicks-Chambers
Agenda/Plan 1.Video clip/ breakout groups 2.Discuss from each group 3.Information presentation 4.Scenarios - breakout groups 5.Discuss each group's scenarios
3-2-1 GO... 1.Watch the short clip on Special Needs Learners. 2.Complete a and discuss with your group. a.Identify the 3 types of special needs learners we are focusing on tonight. b.Name 2 strategies for working with special learners. c.What is one advantage that online learning offers special learners?
Who are these students? Learning Disabilities ADHD/ADD Mobility Impairments Psychological Disabilities Chronic Health Problems Hearing Impaired Visually Impaired Autism Dysgraphia Gifted ELL/ESOL At Risk Students
Issues Students with Disabilities Face in Online Courses ● Students with learning disabilities or other disabilities may be less likely to self-disclose their disability to the instructor due to the impersonal nature of the online environment. ● Synchronous discussions do not fairly assess the knowledge or skills of these students due to the speed of rely required. ● Graphics or visual media may not be accessible to students who are visually impaired. ● Text heavy environments can be challenging for students with reading disabilities or other LD or ADHD.
Helpful Strategies ● Allow students to disclose their disability privately and encourage them to see accommodations needed. ● Build flexibility and choice of assignments for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills. ● Cue important information on course web sites to meet the needs of students who are visually impaired, physically disabled, or have a learning disability. ● Use asynchronous discussion boards. ● Use assistive technologies (alternative keyboards, text-to-speech software, screen magnifiers) ● Offer alternative media (audio-taped books, Braille printouts)
Common Modifications Course Designers should consider... ● Avoid blinking or flashing items that could distract students with LD. ● Use forms and tags that screen reading software can access. ● Use consistent and easy-to-navigate links. ● Include warnings of timed responses. ● Make the course design pages clear and free of clutter. ● Use page titles and headings. ● Limit unnecessary graphics or pop-ups. ● Provide detailed notes embedded in PowerPoints. ● Give students the opportunity to receive feedback before submitting assignments. ● Allow students extra time on assessments.
Assistive Technology Devices ● Literacy Instruction o Kurzweil o SOLO Literacy Suite Software o WYNN Software ● Reading Resources o Natural Reader Software o Read: Outloud 6 Software ● Writing o Dragon Naturally Speaking o Ginger Software o Ghotit Software o Go Q Software ●Visual Impairments o JAWS Screen Reader o ZoomWare Screen Magnifier o Duxbury Braille Translation Software ●Speech Therapy o ArtikPix o Earobics o Ablenet ●Hardware Tools o LiveScribe o AlphaSmart o Intel Reader
Scenarios Scenario 1: Joshua is a member of the state youth orchestra that travels around the country to perform often. He is also in the special education program as a gifted learner. What advantages do online learning offer him in comparison to the traditional classroom? Give specific examples of online resources that can support him. If your name appears 3 rd in this group, you are the writer. Record some of the responses of your group as you all discuss this scenario. Scenario 2: Tasha is a new student in your 6 th grade class. After looking at her transfer records you realize that she attended 5 elementary schools last year and this is her second middle school this school year. What advantages can online learning offer her in comparison to the traditional classroom? Give specific examples of online resources that can support her. If your name appears 1st in this group, you are the writer. Record some of the responses of your group as you all discuss this scenario. Scenario 3: Julia, Jaleezza, and Justin are in your 5 th grade ELA class. One is an ELL learner, the other has a 504IEP and often misses school due to Sickle Cell crisis, and the other has an IEP due to an unspecified learning disability. What advantages do online learning offer them in comparison to the traditional classroom? Give specific examples of online resources that can support them. If your name appears 4th in this group, you are the writer. Record some of the responses of your group as you all discuss this scenario.