Russia Netherlands Economic Forum 18 November 2007
Profile consultants, architects & engineers 3,600 professionals established in 1881 Mission Creating solutions for issues relating to the sustainable interaction between people and their environment. Vision Continuously increasing the added value of our services for our clients. We consider our client’s problems to be ours. We aim to be among the leaders in our market.
Standards & values We are aware of our corporate social responsibility. Our activities are founded on respect, openness, team spirit and integrity. Our code of conduct is an important essential criterion of our success.
Offices world-wide
Russia’s Competitiveness Index
Problematic Factors for Doing Business in Russia Corruption Tax Regulations Crime and Theft Inefficient government bureaucracy Access to financing Inflation Inadequate supply of infrastructure Policy instability Government instability Foreign Currency Regulations
Harmonization of Technical Regulations 1st of July 2003, the Federal Law 184-FZ "On technical regulation" came into force decreasing administrative and economic pressure on industry elimination of technical barriers in trade, improvement of the protection of the market from dangerous products. facilitate the entrance into WTO The normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and normative documents of federal executive bodies were “frozen” during this period
Harmonization of Technical Regulations 1st of May 2007, President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal law 65-FZ « On modifications of the Federal Law “On technical regulation” » Limited to products and their related processes. Limiting possible compliance of innovative products have been suppressed. Technical regulations shall contain rules and types of conformity assessment procedures. International standards shall be used as bases for elaboration of technical regulations 17 technical regulations, which shall be published until the 1st of January 2010, are listed in the Law
Special Economic Zones Federal Law signed July 22, FZ “On special economic zones in the Russian Federation” Development of processing and hi-tech economy branches; New type of products manufacture, import-substituting manufactures development; Development of tourism and sanatoria and health resorts sphere. Types of SEZ’s: Industrial Production Technology Innovative Tourist and Recreational Ports
Special Economic Zones Locations of SEZ’s: Kaliningrad Region Magadan Region Alabuga, Republic of Tatarstan (Industrial Production) Lipetsk (Industrial Production) Tomsk (Technology Innovative) Dubna, Moscow Region (Technology Innovative) St. Petersburg (Technology Innovative) Moscow, Zelenograd Administrative District (Technology Innovative)
Special Economic Zones Locations of SEZ’s: Kaliningrad Region (Tourist and Recreational) Krasnodar Region (Tourist and Recreational) Stavropol Territory (Tourist and Recreational) Altai Territory (Tourist and Recreational) Republic of Altai (Tourist and Recreational) Republic of Buryatia (Tourist and Recreational) Irkutsk Region (Tourist and Recreational)
Public Private Partnerships RF Investment Fund is established The Russian Venture Company is established 12 regional venture funds are established PPP agreements were developed and adopted for: Roads Railway transportation assets Metro Airports Source: KPMG Public-private partnerships in Russia: project financing in conditions of international competition 2007
Public Private Partnerships PPP agreements were developed and adopted for: Sea and River Vessels Ports including hydraulic engineering facilities, ferries, production and engineering assets for port infrastructure Pipelines Water, heating, gas and energy supply assets, including water disposal and waste water treatment facilities Lighting systems for cities and rural towns Land improvements Production, transfer and distribution of electricity and thermal energy Source: KPMG Public-private partnerships in Russia: project financing in conditions of international competition 2007
Fight corruption Fight Inflation Harmonize and simplify Foreign Currency Regulations Speed up Harmonization of Technical Regulations and Procedures Develop and follow clear, transparent and efficient procedures for selecting and awarding PPP projects Continue establishment and realization of SEZ’s How RF can facilitate projects and international trade?
How Royal Haskoning will contribute? By exchange of modern technology and know how in the fields of: Sustainable Development and Environmental Consultancy Civil and Structural Engineering for Architecture and Building industry Spatial Development Infrastructure and Transport Industrial Installations Building Services Maritime Engineering Coastal & Rivers