Collaboration Meeting Feb. 9 th / 10 th 2004 How may go to Oase for dinner? Register ONLY at MEG web page, not at PSI guesthouse! Register early enough, request radiation badge only if you really need it Prepare talks in PowerPoint format Review in OSGA
Schedule 10:00 Software –Overview (Shuei) –ROOT proposal (Corrado) –General Discussion 14:30 Beam test analysis update –Timing analysis (Donato) –Energy analysis (Fabrizio) –Timing & Energy analysis (Ryu) –Neutron Detectino (Giovanni) –Neutron Detection (Toshiyuki) –Calibration (Angela) 10:00 Software –Overview (Shuei) –ROOT proposal (Corrado) –General Discussion 14:30 Beam test analysis update –Timing analysis (Donato) –Energy analysis (Fabrizio) –Timing & Energy analysis (Ryu) –Neutron Detectino (Giovanni) –Neutron Detection (Toshiyuki) –Calibration (Angela) 9:00 PMT –Stability tests (Alessandro) –Tests (Ysuko) –PMT Development (Yoshizawa- san) 11:00 Timing counter (Flavio) 14:00 Beam Time Schedule (Peter) 14:10 Schedule and Funding 15:00 CAD (with detector group) 9:00 PMT –Stability tests (Alessandro) –Tests (Ysuko) –PMT Development (Yoshizawa- san) 11:00 Timing counter (Flavio) 14:00 Beam Time Schedule (Peter) 14:10 Schedule and Funding 15:00 CAD (with detector group) MondayTuesday
Review Feb. 11 th 2004 OSGA 9:00Summary Talks MEG (T. Mori) 9:40LXe Talk I (S. Mihara) 10:00LXe Talk II (A. Baldini) 10:20Coffee 10:40Summary Talk nEDM (A. Serebrov) 11:40UCN source at PSI (M. Daum) 12:00 Lunch OSGA 9:00Summary Talks MEG (T. Mori) 9:40LXe Talk I (S. Mihara) 10:00LXe Talk II (A. Baldini) 10:20Coffee 10:40Summary Talk nEDM (A. Serebrov) 11:40UCN source at PSI (M. Daum) 12:00 Lunch OFLA/402 (MEG) 14:00LXe Discussion (if requested) 14:00Beam Line (P. Kettle) 14:30COBRA Magnet (W. Ootani) 15:00Drift Chamber (J. Egger) 15:30Coffee 15:50Timing Counter (F. Gatti) 16:20Electronics (M. Grassi) 16:50Software (S. Yamada) OFLA/402 (MEG) 14:00LXe Discussion (if requested) 14:00Beam Line (P. Kettle) 14:30COBRA Magnet (W. Ootani) 15:00Drift Chamber (J. Egger) 15:30Coffee 15:50Timing Counter (F. Gatti) 16:20Electronics (M. Grassi) 16:50Software (S. Yamada) OFLA/401 (nEDM) 14:00Cs magnetometers, lamp (E. Alexandrov) 14:15Cs magnetometers, laser (A. Weis) 14:30External magnetic field stabilization (R. Henneck) 14:45Si detectors (A. Serebrov) 15:00Li glass detectors (O. Naviliat-Cuncic) 15:15GEM detectors 15:40Coffee 15:50Discussion OFLA/401 (nEDM) 14:00Cs magnetometers, lamp (E. Alexandrov) 14:15Cs magnetometers, laser (A. Weis) 14:30External magnetic field stabilization (R. Henneck) 14:45Si detectors (A. Serebrov) 15:00Li glass detectors (O. Naviliat-Cuncic) 15:15GEM detectors 15:40Coffee 15:50Discussion