Undergraduate Computing education in China XU, Yang Feb
Content about SCUT about SEE undergraduate program learning
About SCUT South China University of Technology Affiliated to Chinese Ministry of Education. Situating in Guangzhou, South China First established in 1952 Its history can traces back to the earlier 20th century
About SCUT 27schools,2 campuses multi-disciplinary Science, Engineering, Management, Economics, Law, Medical and Social science, Arts, and so on
About SCUT North Campus
About SCUT South Campus
About SSE School of Software Engineering Founded in November 2001 Only one major: software engineering about 1200 undergraduate students,200 full-time master students,15 doctoral students and 200 part-time master students 50 facuties
Undergraduate Programs Aim at training the students with the ability of developing software systems, cooperating with different various people and being more innovative. Bachelor of Engineering 178 credits required After graduation students can enter the technical job market or to continue studies at the graduate level. Typical Career Destinations Internet Companies(Alibaba,Tencent,NetEase,Baidu,…) Financial(ICBC, HSBC,…) communication companies(HUAWEI,ZTE,China Mobile,…) Game companies …
Undergraduate Programs
Teaching&learning situation: 1:90 -- teacher vs. students too many students for teaching too few learning resources per student for learning Classrooms are shared among all colleges. Challenge: less time on deep discussion in classes more workloads for teachers(checking homeworks, guiding experiments and projects ), less time for one on one interaction.
Teaching One course is arranged into two sections: theoretical section in classes and experimental sections in lab. Students need to complete one project in every core course. Usually every 4 Students form a group. One or two assistants will be recruited from graduate students. Students are also encouraged to extra-curricular software project.
outreach colloquiums technology clubs SCF (annual Software Culture Festival) Student Research Program 100-steps Innovative Program Contests grade Competition, creative software design competition, match series in SCF State/national software contests Contests sponsored by enterprises, such as Microsoft, IBM, Sumsung, China Mobile, etc. ACM-ICPC, MCM/ICM
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