StuartNet Requirements How They Were Gathered and What They Are
Requirements Gathering Process Initial Meeting Follow-up Meeting –Requirements –Paper Prototype Final Meeting –Prototype
Initial Meeting Many Requirements Requirements stayed surprisingly constant
Follow-Up Meeting Paper Prototype Initial Requirements
Follow-Up Meeting (2) Paper Prototype –Much like they expected –Clarified some points Requirements –Mostly on target –A few new ones
Final Meeting Prototype –Different point of view –Usability issues revealed –Other clarifications Requirements Costing –Arrived at a budget
The Requirements Three categories of requirements –For a tour –For a piece –Misc.
Requirements for a Tour Offer different tour lengths –Short, Medium, Long Offer a customizable tour Tours should be flexible
Requirements for a Tour (2) Option bar always displayed –Language, art pieces, audio controls, help,… Able to end tour Able to dynamically change tour –(more general case of previous)
Tour Requirements – The Map Current Location Destination –And path to take to get there Zoomable Iconic Understandable
Map (2) ETA to piece Display amenities –Restrooms, food & drink, emergency services,…
Map (3) Directions displayed in different ways –Line on map –Pictorially –Textually
Requirements for Pieces Display information about a piece –Text –Images –Audio –Video
Requirements for Pieces (2) Quick view –One page, with links to detailed view Detailed view –Multiple pages of text –Many audio, video files –Gallery of pictures
Miscellaneous Usability –Tutorial –Help Customizable –Language –Font Size –Etc. Battery Life
Quantified (Best Guess) 100 concurrent users Each able to stream 10k/s from server Location –Accuracy: within 10 feet –Responsiveness: within 10 seconds Battery life of at least 3 hours