Credit to: GeophotosGeophotos
“cutting trees for sale as timber or pulp” Most importantly, loss of habitat for millions of plants and animals. Selective logging- Loggers select a specific type of tree to cut down based on its species. Clear-cutting- Loggers do not need a specific type of wood so they cut all the trees down.
Logging ruins the soil of areas that the trees had previously covered. Areas that have been logged are 8 times more likely to be settled by shifting cultivators than those that haven’t been logged. Credit to
More than 70% of the planet’s plants and animals live in forests. National Geographic National Geographic Logging is one of the leading causes of rainforest destruction. Logging has slowed due to increased awareness of this issue. Credit to:
Only cutting down one or two trees within an area. It is still harmful to surrounding trees, as these trees are connected to other trees through vines or their branches are running through each other.
Lost over 24 million hectares of their forest over the last 20 years. Plan is to cut emissions by 26% by By giving communities ownership of the land, people are driven to grow the depleted forests. Credit to World Resources
Effects of Logging on RCW Habitat Effects of Logging on RCW Habitat Source: ForestsForLife Length: 24 Seconds Credit to: GeographGeograph
One unlikely option is to stop clear-cutting altogether. A more-likely solution is to plant trees in the same places where trees had just been cut down. National Geographic
Sustainable Logging Sustainable Logging Source: National Geographic Length: 2:38 While some people claim that sustainable logging is possible, only 1% of all logging is truly sustainable. Credit to: HappyworkerHappyworker
Butler, Rhett. "Logging in the Rainforest." Mongabay. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. "What are rainforests?." Rainforest Information for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb "Effects of Illegal logging in the jungle, Sauce, Peru." - Stories from your friends on the road. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb Butler, Rhett. "Fighting illegal logging in Indonesia by giving communities a stake in forest management." Conservation and environmental science news. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb "Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of Deforestation - National Geographic." Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural Disasters, Ecosystems, Green Living - National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr