Assessment Night at Saguaro Infant Care and Preschool May 6, :30 p.m. Room #9
Agenda Type of Assessment- Milestone Checklist Administration of Assessment- When/How it is given Confidentiality Parent/Community Involvement Expectations and Outcomes of Assessment Evaluation
Assessment Type The assessment that will be conducted is a milestone checklist. This checklist will evaluate children to see if they have reached their developmental milestones. This checklist provides the milestones in the different learning areas. (Cognitive, Social Emotional, and Physical Development) It provides great detail of where a two year old should stand developmentally.
Administration of Assessment This assessment will be given at the beginning of each school year which is in August. My colleagues and I will then reassess the children in December and at the end of the school year in May. The assessment will be done during the children's play time in and out of the classroom, and during one on one sessions.
Legal Considerations Here at Saguaro Infant Care and Preschool we uphold a high confidentiality agreement. Any results from this assessment will only be shared between the child’s parents and teachers. If possible results may be shared with student as well.
Involvement Parents will be given a milestone checklist of their own to conduct assessment at home. checklist will be available in English and Spanish. Parents can choose either one. Meetings may be held to discuss outcome of assessment. Community members will also be invited to interact with children by reading or creating different art projects with the children.
Expectations/ Outcomes What we hope to learn from this assessment is for us to get to know the children in detail. Know children’s strengths and weaknesses. See how much children develop from beginning, to middle, to end of school year. Have children meet most milestones to move onto the three year old classroom.
Interactive Activity PLEASE COMPLETE SURVEY: 1. What are your child’s strengths? 2. What are your child’s interests? 3. Is there anything your child struggles with that you would like me to know about? 4. In times of stress, what behaviors might your child show? 5. What do you admire most about your child?
Evaluation What was your knowledge about assessments before this meeting? What knowledge did you gain about assessments tonight? Do you think the assessment being used with the children is effective? Why or Why Not?
Bibliography Warren, B. A. (1985) Seeing Young Children: A Guide to Observing and Recording Behavior. Albany: Delmar. Important Milestones: Your Child at Two Years. (2014, March 27).. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from Colker, L. J. (n.d.). The Word Gap: The Early Years Make the Difference | National Association for the Education of Young Children | NAEYC TYC | Teaching Young Children Magazine. The Word Gap: The Early Years Make the Difference | National Association for the Education of Young Children | NAEYC TYC | Teaching Young Children Magazine. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from Teaching Resources - (n.d.).Search%3Amilestone%2520checklist Teaching Resources - Retrieved May 6, 2014, fromhttp:// klisthttp:// klist