C LUBS AND A CTIVITIES Federal Law: Equal Access Act: unlawful for any public secondary school that receives federal assistance and maintains a limited open forum to deny access of a fair opportunity to, or to discriminate against, any students who wish to conduct a meeting within that limited open forum on the basis of the religious, political, philosophical, or other content of the speech at such meetings. State Law: Must apply appropriate state statutory law and decision of state courts
C LUBS AND A CTIVITIES :C ONSIDERATIONS Must give students and faculty notice of what is expected before taking any type of official action Non-discriminatory Formal constitution Key : Clarity and Consistency in policy
A WARDS School law index:
G RADES : P OLICY FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) enforced by FPCO (Family Policy Compliance Office) Test scores and grades may be posted if the identifier used by the school is known only to the student and teacher. Having students grade each others’ tests is allowable. While the U.S. Supreme Court made it clear they do not like this idea, it was not banned.
G RADES : C ONSIDERATIONS AND R ESOURCES Teachers should assign numbers to students as a way of posting grades. When allowing students to grade each others’ work, be consistent in procedure and always collect work to enter scores. m_content&view=article&id=971:posting- grades&catid=411:legal-lessons&Itemid=2656