Introduction to Heathlands Delegates Exercise © Amy Rogers © Carl Corbidge
1)To find out about a rare habitat and explain: why it is important, how it was formed, and how it is maintained. 2) To work together in teams to collect and share information What are the aims of today’s exercise? © Lauren Gough
Get into groups of 5 or 6. Each person in the group will go to a different information station (you may have 2 people on one station if you are a group of 6). You will be given 15 minutes to master the information at your station. After 15 minutes you will return to your group and each of you will share the information that you found out. You will then sit an individual quiz that covers all the information from the different stations. Instructions
Allocating stations: It’s important that you choose the right team member to send to each station to allow people to work to their strengths! StationActivity Heathland PlantsWeb Challenge Heathland AnimalsWeb and Graph Challenge Soil ChemistryPractical Heathland FormationVideo Current threatsWeb and Graph Challenge Instructions
1. Name two plants that you might find in a heathland. 2. Give two reasons why heathlands are challenging environments. 3. Give one way that heather plants are adapted to reduce water loss by transpiration. 4. What three groups of animals are most likely to live on heathland sites? 5. Name one rare species that is found on heathlands and explain why this species relies on heathlands for its survival. 6. Describe three characteristics of heathland soils. 7. Why did the clearings created by early humans revert to heathland? 8. Give two actions by humans that have helped to maintain heathland sites. 9. List three threats that heathlands are currently facing. Quiz