College essay, Fun Friday Friday, February 5, 2016
Friday, 2/5 EQ: How can I convey who I am in a college essay? Pick up a planner check form Pick up your folder (on the black desk) Take out your planner Upcoming dates… Tuesday, 2/9 – tutorials Thursday, 2/11 – tutorials, grade check, planner check, CN check. Friday, 2/12 (B-day) – field trip form and money due Tuesday, 2/16 – must be passing all classes and have at least an 80 in AVID to attend. Monday, 2/22 – UT Arlington college visit See my website for additional dates
Checks Partner grading of planners After you are done with the planner check, complete a grade check. Complete ‘student information’ form on my webpage.
Marking the text Number the paragraphs (should be 16) Put a star next items you feel you need to remember when writing your essay. Underline items you felt surprising. Circle items you don’t agree with. When finished do the following: Add a tab for ‘College Essay’ to your penda flex file. Put your article in the ‘College Essay’ section of your penda flex file.
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