Transforming prisons into correctional centres - places of new beginnings Monitoring of offenders placed under Section 62(f) – Criminal Procedure Act (No. 51 of 1977) the Department of Correctional Services The Department of Correctional Services REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
INTRODUCTION Department is responsible for the supervision and control over persons subject to Community Corrections according to Section 62(f) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act no 51 of 1977).
MANDATE The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa The Correctional Services Act (Act 111 of 1998) Section 62(f) makes provision for the placement of awaiting trial detainees under the supervision of a correctional official as a condition of bail.
OBJECTIVES The objectives of placement options are: to reduce correctional centres overcrowding to avoid pre-trial detention to make room for the accommodation of offenders with serious offences to prevent the contamination of first offenders by hardened criminals to divert awaiting trial juveniles from correctional centres to maintain strong family ties and assist offenders not to loose their jobs
MARKETING OF PLACEMENT OPTIONS Placement options are vigorously marketed by Heads of Community Corrections by means of strategically planned negotiations with all relevant stakeholders such as Justice, SAPS, Community-based organizations Beneficiaries DCS Offender Family Community
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Offenders must comply with the following minimum requirements to be considered for these placement options: Have fixed verifiable address Be cared for/be financially independent Not pose any risk to the community Crimes determine by Justice
PROCESS Confirmation of address Submission of evaluation reports To courts / prosecutors By correctional officials to courts concerning awaiting trials detainees Verification of content of evaluation reports Placement of offenders Conditions Admission to Community Corrections offices: Effecting conditions set by court Recommendations by supervision committee regarding participation in programmes, performance of other tasks and action in the case of violation Monitoring
MONITORING OF PROBATIONERS Process of monitoring: Be physically visited at home, at least once (1) a week Be contacted telephonically at home, at least once (1) a week Be visited / phoned at work at least once (1) a week Be compelled to visit the Community Corrections Offices at least once (1) a month The monitoring official makes use of a monitoring list for reporting, highlighting the following areas: Date and time of visits Probationers registration number, name, ID, residential and work address Findings / remarks Signature / thumbprint of probationer Signature of monitoring official
MONITORING OF PROBATIONS Handling of violation of conditions: Not necessarily referred back to court Probationer called in for consultation Written statement obtained from probationer upon every violation Repeated violations could result in: Adjusting conditions to possible changing circumstances Intensifying house arrest Making compulsory attendance of additional programmes
CONCLUSION Statistics forwarded on a monthly basis to the National Head Office with regard to: Number of reports written Number of awaiting trial offenders released according to Section 62(f) Number of awaiting trial offenders that did not attend court Number of awaiting trial offenders acquitted by means of: Cases withdrawn Cased thrown out of court Sentence to imprisonment Sentenced to Correctional Supervision Suspended sentence Number of deaths Number of absconders Monthly meetings between DCS and Department of Justice Consolidated reports are forwarded from the National Office to the Department of Justice
the dcs The Department of Correctional Services REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Correctional Services values your role in breaking the cycle of crime - in making rehabilitation work Thank you Together we can strengthen a social compact against crime, for a better life