Vegetable Farm Gate Production Values 1970 $ 10 million 2001 $634 million 63.4-fold increase and increasing
Georgia vegetable industry needs according to GFVGA 1. Insect control 2. Disease control 3. Production and culture - Irrigation practices to better utilize water - New plasticulture practices - Mulching
4. Introduction of new varieties 5. New crop studies adaptable to Georgia 6. Postharvest handling of crop - Techniques to improve food safety 7. Development of new products to aid production /harvest/ packing/shipping
Georgia vegetable industry needs according to UGA personnel 1. Disease management 2. Weed control 3. Insect control 4. Variety development
5. Fertilizer management 6. Mechanization 7. Postharvest handling 8. Marketing
Horticulture Department research and extension needs to support the growing Georgia vegetable industry
Personnel * Vegetable Nutritionist (research) * Weed Scientist (research-extension) * Postharvest Physiologist/Technologist (research-extension) * Technical support (for variety evaluations)
Facilities and Equipment * Model packinghouse * Commercial drip irrigation system * Laboratory instruments * Test plot equipment
Other * Operating monies * Travel funds (in-state extension travel and out-of-state meetings and conferences)