Linear Scheduling Method Definition A simple diagram to show location and time at which a certain crew will be working on a given operation. Characteristics –Shows repetitive nature of the construction –progression of work can be seen easily –Sequence of different work activities can be easily understood –Have fairly high level of detail –Can be developed and prepared in a shorter time period than other formats.
Advantages of LSM Provides more information concerning the planned method of const. than a bar chart. In certain types of projects, LSM offers some advantages over the network approach.
Implementation of LSM Can be used to continuous activities rather than discrete activities. Transportation projects; highway const., and resurfacing, tunnels, mass transit systems, pipelines, railroads. High-rise building construction Repetitive building units
Elements of the LSM Axis Parameters Location –measure of progress –In high-rises and housing const., measures may be stories, floors, subdivisions, departments, housing units. –In transportation projects, distance (ft. or mile can be used, but division by stations (100ft.) is most common) is general.
Elements of the LSM (cont.) Time –Hours, days, week, or month - depends on the total project time and level of detail desired in the schedule. –Preferable to prepare the schedule based on working days and convert to calendar days only at the end. Activity Production Rates –Obtained by the usual estimating methods as a function of the activity, equip. characteristics, labor, and job conditions. –The initial rate should be associated with the min. direct cost of accomplishing the single activity.
Elements of the LSM (cont.) Activity Interruption and Restraint –Prod. Rate may vary with locations or time periods. –Progress may be interrupted intentionally and restraints may occur between activities due to limited equip. or crews. Buffers –When const. Activities progress continuously in a chain, some spacing between activities is required. –This spacing serves as a buffer and may be required distance or time interval between activities.