Ever get the feeling something’s not quite right?
My Why
It’s not a race. It’s a journey. Years 1-3 Marked by average. No awards. Little recognition. No momentum. There were many difficult life circumstances that I allowed to distracted me.
It’s not a race. It’s a journey. Years 1-3 Marked by average. No awards. Little recognition. No momentum. There were many difficult life circumstances that I allowed to distracted me. Year 4 I decided to stop accepting average. I committed to earning top level of Dominican Republic trip.
A vacation that changed everything. Year 5 I earned the top level of the trip. In the Dominican Republic I saw myself amongst top leaders, my ‘selfie’ began to change. I came empty, tired, disappointed. I left with a new ‘selfie’. Saw myself in a new picture. Sponsoring became easier than ever before.
Success began to chase me. Year 6 Success and business builders began to rain down on me. Went from $18,000 QV to $58,000 QV in 3 months to promote to RVP. GTC 2013: Earned #1 DM Elevation in US, #1 Organizational Volume Growth US (DM/AM’s), #1 Organizational Volume Growth (DM/AM’s) Global, #4 Parade of Champions Global.
How do you see yourself? Are you in the habit of succeeding or failing? Stop allowing yourself to fail. Period. Set a goal=earn a goal Daily, weekly, monthly Disappointment is a habit. Never allow failure to become an identity. Be addicted to succeeding. Confidence is built through repeated success. Even the small successes! People want to join a cause that feels successful. Average isn’t INSPIRING.
It’s time to update your selfie. Take time to consider who you are. You’re a God-breathed MIRACLE. You were given the gift of free thought ~ unique throughout all creation. Nobody can stop you from thinking thoughts of your choice. And where you are. AM’s are top leaders. You are in the top 10% of the entire company. You’re getting an ‘A’. Many people want to be YOU.
Get out of your head. If you’re an Area Manager it’s time to STOP questioning this business, Arbonne, and yourself. Is the world getting into you, or are you getting into the world?
You are called. You got to this level because something inside you longs for great purpose. You are CALLED. You’re here for an important reason that will continue to unfold along your journey.
You are called. Does this opportunity make you stir, light something inside of you, capture your thoughts, ignite your dreams? Then YOU’VE BEEN CALLED. You’re ready. It’s time to move into your purpose and destiny. God doesn’t call the equipped…..He equips the called.
There is always a hero. All great literature has a similar story line. Good vs. Evil Someone is called to be the hero. The hero doesn’t think she is ready. She reluctantly steps into the unknown. Even though she can’t see how she will get there, she continues on. Following her call. You are closer than you think. Press on. She fulfills her calling and impacts the world.
Be the hero. Step into the unknown. Show your prospects and your team that it’s ok. That this is a good choice. They desperately need to see you go first. The hero shows the way.
Be brave. How to be a hero: be brave a little bit longer.
Take your new selfie.