Infections in Post-Mastectomy Reconstruction Dianna Dishner ALHE 4060
Estimated New Breast Cancer Cases and Deaths in Women by Age, US, 2005 AgeIn Situ CasesInvasive CasesDeath Under 401,6009,5101, and Older56,890201,37039,300 Under 5013,76045,7805, and Older44,730165,46034,820 Under 6537,040123,07017, and Older21,45088,17022,940 All Ages ,24040,410 American Cancer Society, Surveillance Research, 2005
Reconstructive Statistics In 2007, 57,102 breast reconstruction procedures were performed. From 2000 breast reconstruction procedures decreased by 29%. There was a 2% change from Breast reconstruction made up 1% of reconstructive procedures in American Society of Plastic Surgeons. “2007 Reconstructive Procedures”
Infection Costs "Patients with surgical site infections had significantly higher hospital costs associated with surgery and during the one-year period after surgery compared with uninfected patients, and they had a significantly longer total length of hospital stay," the authors write. After adjusting for the type of surgical procedure performed, breast cancer stage and other variables that influence cost, the cost of surgical site infections was $4,091 per patient. “Surgical Site Infections More Common Than Expected After Breast Procedures” Science Daily, Jan. 22, 2008.
It’s Your Choice Some of advantages of breast reconstruction include: (Can) improve body image and self-esteem Prosthesis is not required Do not have to wear special bra for prosthesis Can choose to go without a bra Can wear low-neck clothing Fewer daily reminders of your surgery Disadvantages of reconstruction include: More time required for the surgery or additional surgeries More pain and time needed for recovery May cost more Possible infection and surgical problems associated with more surgery “Breast Health” Department of Defense Breast Health Program South