Chapter 8 Text 1-2 Questions of Arjuna.
Text 1 arjuna uväca kià tad brahma kim adhyätmaà kià karma puruñottama adhibhütaà ca kià proktam adhidaivaà kim ucyate Arjuna inquired: O my Lord, O Supreme Person, what is Brahman? What is the self? What are fruitive activities? What is this material manifestation? And what are the demigods? Please explain this to me.
Background for questions In last two verses of 7 th Chapter Krsna said, jarä-maraëa-mokñäya mäm äçritya yatanti ye te brahma tad viduù kåtsnam adhyätmaà karma cäkhilam sädhibhütädhidaivaà mäà sädhiyajïaà ca ye viduù prayäëa-käle ’pi ca mäà te vidur yukta-cetasaù. Now Arjuna is asking the meaning of these few words in those two verses.
Krsna - Purushottama Krsna is ref. as Purushottama by Arjuna, because Arjuna is not putting Qns to ordinary friend but Supreme Person. Answers from ordinary people full with human errors. No one can be better or superior authority than Krsna (Purushottama) Only Krsna can give definative answers.
Text 2 adhiyajïaù kathaà ko ’tra dehe ’smin madhusüdana prayäëa-käle ca kathaà jïeyo ’si niyatätmabhiù Who is the Lord of sacrifice, and how does He live in the body, O Madhusüdana? And how can those engaged in devotional service know You at the time of death?
Arjuna’s question cont… “Lord of sacrifice” – adhiyajïaù Two lords of sacrifice – Indra and Vishnu. Significance of word Madhusudana Qns are like demons of doubts. Word prayäëa-käle in this verse is very significant. King Kulashekhara’s prayer.