SNAPCHAT By: Demetrios Mammas & Sellers (Grandpa) Crisp 1A-IBT
Purpose Snapchat Snapchat is a photo/video sharing service, one in which photos/video are shared between friends. “Snaps” “Snaps” disappear in up to 10 seconds. Snapchat Essentially, everything disappears on Snapchat, except for the images that you send from your camera roll. You can also send text messages that disappear as well.
Company History & Finances Company valuation: billion dollars. EvanSpiegelBobby Murphy Reggie Brown Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown founded the company whilst they were students at Stanford University. Snapchat Snapchat was released in September of 2011.
Site Features Pull down refresh system Simplistic UI design Night feature for increasing ISO in dark environments Trophy system to encourage users to use the app more snaps Recent snaps list Snapchat friends Scores to determine your friendship with your most common Snapchat friends
Pros Allows the user to interact with other users easily Snapchat Snapchat servers are extremely secure The app has taken drastic measures to ensure security
Cons People tend to use it too much, causing distractions It gives bad messages to teens because they think that they can get away with sexually explicit messages (messages “disappear”)
Marketing & Workplace Marketing: Snapchat Snapchat has also marketed its company by receiving free press from just about every current event news site and also other social media platforms. Snapchat advertisers stories Snapchat has multiple in-app marketing features. They allow advertisers to essentially post stories about their company for everyone to see.Workplace: Snapchat Snap-addicts Snapchat in the workplace will usually end up affecting one negatively. This is because many users tend to become “Snap-addicts”
Works Cited DeMers, Jason. "Your Guide To Using Snapchat For Marketing." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 4 Aug Web. 22 Oct Madrigal, Alexis C. "What Is Snapchat?" The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 15 Nov Web. 22 Oct "Snapchat." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 22 Oct Madrigal, Alexis C. "What Is Snapchat?" The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 15 Nov Web. 22 Oct