WHAT IS RESEARCH? According to Redman and Morry, “Research is a careful and systematized effort of gaining new knowledge.” According to Clifford Woody, “Research comprises of defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions. And at last carefully testing the conclusions, to determine, whether they fit the formulating hypothesis or not.”
Define Research Problem Review Literature Concept and Theories Previous Literature RESERCH PROCESS FLOW CHART Formulate Hypothesis Design Research (Sample Design) Collect Data Feedback Analysis of data and testing the hypothesis Interpret and Report The findings
OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH: To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual situation or a group. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables.
DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH: Such researches includes surveys, fact finding enquiry methods of different types. It generally reports what has occurred or what may happen in future. Methods of research used in descriptive research are survey methods of all kinds. ANALYTICAL RESEARCH: The researchers uses facts or information that is already available. The researcher then analyses the available information facts to make a critical and meaningful evaluation of the material. APPLIED RESEARCH: It aims to determine solution for immediate problem faced by any society or industry or business organization.
FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH: Research that is concerned with generalization and with the formulation of theory are termed as fundamental research. For example, the research related to natural phenomenon or relating to pure mathematics, related to pure mathematics etc. CONCEPTUAL RESEARCH: This relates to abstract idea or theory. Generally conceptual research is used by philosophers, analysts and thinkers. EMPIRICAL RESEARCH: Such researches rely on experience or observation alone. They do not consider any existing system or theory. The research is purely data based. The conclusion can be verified with the help of observations or experiments.
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: It is a research that utilizes statistical techniques. It involves large number of respondents, tests of a specific hypothesis, and the use of random sampling techniques to enable inference from the sample to the population. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: It is a set of research techniques used in marketing and social sciences in which data are obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and are not analyzed with statistical techniques. They are inexpensive and fast. EXPLORATORY AND CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH: Exploratory research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. Conclusive research draws conclusions: the results of the study can be generalized to the whole population.
TYPES OF RESEARCH APPROACHES: Qualitative Research Quantitative Research. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: The main types of Qualitative research are: DEPTH INTERVIEW Interview is conducted one by one, and lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. Different techniques used are Laddering, Hidden Issue, Symbolic Analysis etc. FOCUS INTERVIEW It is an interactive group discussion lead by a moderator. There are usually 8 to 12 members in a group and it usually lasts for 1 to 2 hrs.
PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES These are unstructured prompts or stimulus that encourages the respondents to project their underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, or feelings onto an ambiguous situation. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH It is generally used to draw conclusion It tests a specific hypothesis It uses random sampling techniques so as to infer from sample to the population It involves large number of respondents It includes the use of surveys and questionnaire
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CAN BE DIVIDED INTO: Inferential Researches Experimental Researches Simulation Techniques INFERENTIAL RESEARCHES: Inferential techniques involve generalizing from sample to the whole population. It also involves testing a hypothesis. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH: Here certain variables are controlled and manipulated to understand Their effect on other variables. The whole research environment is Controlled.
SIMULATION: Here artificial research environment is created and within it relevant information is generated. Thus it become easier to ascertain the dynamic behavior of a system under controlled condition.Simulation techniques is helpful in understanding the future trends and conditions.
CRITERIA OF GOOD RESEARCH: GOOD RESEARCH IS SYSTEMATIC: It means that research is structured with specified steps to be taken in a specified sequence in accordance with the well defined set of rules. GOOD RESEARCH IS LOGICAL: The research is guided by the rules of logical reasoning and the logical process of induction and deduction are of great value in carrying out research.
GOOD RESEARCH IS EMPIRICAL: The research is related basically to one or more aspects of a real situation. GOOD RESEARCH IS REPLICABLE ( DUPLICATE): This characteristics allows research results to be verified by replicating the study and thereby building a sound basis for decisions.
PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED BY THE RESEARCHERS IN INDIA: The lack of scientific training methodology of research There is insufficient interaction between research departments and business establishments, government departments etc. Misuse of the of the information or data obtained from business unit. Research studies overlapping one another are undertaken quite often for want of adequate information.
There does not exist a code of conduct for the researcher and inter departmental rivalries are also quite common. There is difficulty of adequate and timely secretarial assistance, including computer assistance. Library management and functioning is not up to date. There is difficulty of timely availability of published data from various government and other agencies doing this job in our country.