Teaching with Technology Chapter 5 pages Presenter: Maricela Ramirez EDTC
How many of you have either heard someone else say, have been told or used the following phrases or statements? I hope you make it in the “real world”. When you go out into the “real world”….. It’s not like this in the “real world”.
ACTIVITIES Test taking, question answering, memorization, answering isolated questions CLASSROOM
Continuous interaction with knowledge, tools, skills, other people in field Problems being solved require understanding of different disciplines REAL WORLD
Knowledge, if it is to be useful must be inextricably linked with activities and situations. Teaching With Technology page 121
Is for Authentic Activities Def.: the ordinary practices of a culture How do you Know? You must ask questions about the activity. MY MNEMONICSTANDS FORQUESTION Tacky Pink Type of PractitionerWho uses the content? Crazy UFO Content UseHow is content used? Women Dancing What DoWhat do the practitioners do to solve problems? With Penguins What ProductWhat products are produced?
QUOTESBUILDING ACTIVITIESQUESTIONS “Building knowledge does not mean avoiding facts, but primacy is given to the kinds of activities that connect these facts into webs of meaning”. Teaching With Technology page 126 Reading Discussing ideas Watching demos Viewing films Responding to questions Completing structured experiments Exploring concepts Testing their application Examining well-formed models Productions Analyzing case studies Listening to presentations or lectures Interviewing experts Mastering definitions Attempting &completing sample problems What learning environments will provide students with the opportunities to confront facts, ideas, and concepts--- What kinds of things can students “do” with these materials to help them extract and interpret facts, ideas, and concepts---
QuotesDefinitionQuestions “Applying what one knows requires knowing something, but application is of equal importance”. Teaching with Technology Page 130 Constructing activities are performance activities, that ask students to expand, reform, apply, or extend knowledge by making something, producing something, building something or creating something. Is for Constructing Activities
PurposeQuestions Sharing activities allow students to: Test their understanding in public arenas Receive feedback Be challenged What is an appropriate audience? What publication opportunities are there? What kinds of feedback are appropriate? IS FOR SHARING ACTIVITIES
MY MNEMONICSTANDS FORQUESTIONS Tacky Pink Type of Practitioner Who uses the content? Crazy UFO Content UseHow is content used? Women Dancing What DoWhat do the practitioners do to solve problems? With Penguins What ProductWhat products are produced? QUOTESBUILDING ACTIVITIESQUESTIONS “Building knowledge does not mean avoiding facts, but primacy is given to the kinds of activities that connect these facts into webs of meaning”. Teaching With Technology page 126 Reading Discussing ideas Watching demos Viewing films Responding to questions Completing structured experiments Exploring concepts Testing their application Examining well-formed models Productions Analyzing case studies Listening to presentations or lectures Interviewing experts Mastering definitions Attempting &completing sample problems What learning environments will provide students with the opportunities to confront facts, ideas, and concepts--- What kinds of things can students “do” with these materials to help them extract and interpret facts, ideas, and concepts--- QuotesDefinitionQUESTION “Applying what one knows requires knowing something, but application is of equal importance”. Teaching with Technology Page 130 Constructing activities are performance activities, that ask students to expand, reform, apply, or extend knowledge by making something, producing something, building something or creating something. What products would be authentically produced by practitioners? PurposeQUESTIONS Sharing activities allow students to: Test their understanding in public arenas Receive feedback Be challenged What is an appropriate audience? What publication opportunities are there? What kinds of feedback are appropriate? Authentic Activities Building Knowledge Activities Constructing Activities Sharing Activities
Credits Images Fotosearch, Letter A Google Images, Letters B,C,S distancelearning.careeredublogs.com/files/201..., Classroom precisetechusa.com, Engineers usd116.org, Forensics Mnemonic Website