Delaware College Success Report February 2016
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Why Remediation? Definition: a math or English developmental course designed to strengthen students’ required knowledge and skills to be successful in 1 st year college courses Impact: Students taking remedial courses face lower college graduation rates and higher debt 3 #CollegeSuccessDE
Understanding the College Success Report Data focuses on students graduating from public/charter high school and enrolling in a Delaware college in the fall after HS graduation Out of state college enrollment data comes from National Student Clearinghouse, does not report college remediation 2012 report: 44% remediation rate in 2012 Focus on establishing a state-wide rate 2014 report: 42% remediation rate in 2014 Focus on tangible actions districts and schools can implement to eliminate remediation 4 #CollegeSuccessDE
Seven districts with remediation rates below the State average 5 #CollegeSuccessDE
Reduced remediation rates for New Castle and Sussex Counties 6 #CollegeSuccessDE
Key Recommendations to Eliminate Remediation 1. Provide targeted interventions prior to 11 th grade for students not meeting college-readiness benchmarks. 2. Prepare students to enter the 12 th grade to succeed in Pre-Calculus or Calculus. 3. Prepare students to enter the 12 th grade ready to succeed in college-level English. 4. Design an accessible and equitable K-12 system that ensures all students can succeed in college-level courses by 12 th grade. 7 #CollegeSuccessDE
Provide Targeted Interventions Prior To 11 th Grade For Students Not Meeting College-ready Benchmarks Recommendation # 1
Sharp contrast in remediation rates based on SAT scores SAT benchmark for college- readiness = 1550 All 11 th graders take SAT paid for by the state of Delaware Annual average of 20% of 11 th graders meet benchmark since #CollegeSuccessDE
Placement Thresholds for College Level Math Courses By Institution 10 Math Threshold DTCCSAT M 500 Wilmington UniversitySAT M450 WesleySAT M 450 DSUAccuplacer: >= 94 arithmetic and >=67 algebra UDALEKS: Levels 4-6 depending on major Goldey-BeacomUse of summer bridge program As of February 2015 #CollegeSuccessDE
Prepare students to enter 12 th grade ready to succeed in pre-calculus or calculus Recommendation # 2
Remediation rates vary widely based on 12 th grade math course 12 #CollegeSuccessDE
Schools must maintain rigor of advanced courses while increasing student access School #1: Remediation rate remained at 0 as more students completed the course. Class Year 12 th Grade Math Course # of DE college enrollee s % Requiring Remediati on 2012Calculus200% 2014Calculus320% School #2: Remediation rate increased as more students completed the course. Class Year 12 th Grade Math Course # of DE college enrollees % Requiring Remediati on 2012Calculus150% 2014Calculus4538% 13 #CollegeSuccessDE
Prepare students to enter the 12 th grade ready to succeed in college-level English Recommendation # 3:
More than 1/3 of students taking General or College Prep English in 12 th grade require remediation 15 #CollegeSuccessDE
As more students enter advanced courses, the rigor must remain the same School # 1: Increased students completing the course, while increasing the rigor of the course Class Year 12 th grade English course # DE college enrollees % Requiring Remediation 2012AP/Dual Enrollment 128% % School # 2: Increased students in the course, while increasing the remediation rates. Class Year 12 th grade English course # DE college enrollees % Requiring Remediation 2012AP/Dual Enrollment 270% % 16 #CollegeSuccessDE
Design an accessible and equitable K-12 system that ensures all students can succeed in college-level courses by 12 th grade Recommendation # 4:
Remediation rates reduced since 2012 across race/ethnic groups 18 #CollegeSuccessDE
Remediation rates greater than 50% for special populations 19 #CollegeSuccessDE
Looking Ahead 20 Resources available to districts: Foundations of College Math course DE Goes to College and Advanced Placement Incentive grants Funding allocation for dual enrollment courses AP potential reports Resources for students and parents: Khan Academy for customized SAT practice AP potential packets Summer checklists Text messaging service AP Massive Open Online Computer Science course Available on DOE site: #CollegeSuccessDE
Criteria for Recognition Districts and individual schools meeting the following criteria will be recognized for early success in reducing remediation rates: Reduced remediation by more than 5% (state average) Maintained or increased Delaware college enrollment Maintain or increase overall college enrollment Each year we will recognized districts and schools continuing to move the needle towards eliminating this costly barrier for students 22 #CollegeSuccessDE
Recognitions District Colonial Delmar Polytech Smyrna Sussex Tech Woodbridge Individual Schools Indian River High School Delcastle Technical High School Conrad School of Science John H. Dickinson High School McKean High School 23 #CollegeSuccessDE