Worklessness and its impact on Health and Wellbeing Holly Neill 10 th February 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Worklessness and its impact on Health and Wellbeing Holly Neill 10 th February 2016

The Fit for Work Team Not for profit Social Enterprise, working across the East Midlands Aim to improve the health of the working age population and address health inequalities Work across work, worklessness and health and wellbeing Integrated holistic vocational rehabilitation/ employment support services Evidence, research development and training Workplace health

Health, Work and Wellbeing Group Fit For Work Team is a partner in the Health, Work and Wellbeing Group National consortium Focussed on work, worklessness and health and wellbeing Part of the National Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme - as VCSE experts on Work, Worklessness and Health

100% 0% Employment rate Musculoskeletal condition: 58% employed* Mental health condition: 42% employed* Learning disability: 28% employed* Sources: *Labour Force Survey 2014; ** Labour Force Survey Employment rate by type of condition Source: Labour Force Survey Prevalence of long-term health conditions and disability vary over the life course, with some conditions fluctuating Prevalence of main impairment types, by broad age group Aside from long-term pain, the most common impairments among younger age groups are mental health conditions. Impairments associated with musculoskeletal conditions (e.g. mobility, dexterity and long term pain) become increasingly prevalent between ages Source: Life Opportunities Survey, Wave 1 Long term condition (non-disabling) 4.7m Disability 6.8m Numbers of working age individuals with an long-term health condition or disability (UK) Source: Labour Force Survey Q Total 11.5m The Link between Health and Work

Health related worklessness

Source: Black, C. and Frost, D. (2011) Health at Work: an independent review of sickness absence; Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2013 Individuals: £4 bn a year (lost earnings) Employers: £9 bn a year (sick pay and associated costs) State: £13 bn a year (health-related benefits) £2bn a year (healthcare, sick pay reimbursement and foregone taxes) State: £13 bn a year (health-related benefits) £2bn a year (healthcare, sick pay reimbursement and foregone taxes) Health-related worklessness presents costs for individuals, employers and society as a whole

The Work Foundation - White Paper Healthy working economy Incentivising and enabling local action to improve the health and wellbeing of the working age population Giving local areas the tools to improve the health and wellbeing of the working age population Encouraging more collaborative working at a local level Examples of best practice Prioritising employment through the health and wellbeing board Gaining senior council and clinical leadership buy-in. Co-commissioning of health and employment services between the local authority and CCGs. Leading by example though improving employee health and wellbeing in the public sector. Mapping out of current local provision of employment and health support services – bringing services together and creating additional services to fill in any gaps Forging of strong links with local providers, including the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Joining up services around the individual - identifying early on which barriers are holding individuals back and ensuring individuals get access to specialist support services Healthy, Working Economies Improving the health and wellbeing of the working age population locally

Work and Health Joint Unit Two main outcomes: 1.Improve health outcomes for working age people with health conditions and disabilities, to improve productivity and labour market participation 2.Improve employment outcomes for people with health conditions and disabilities, to contribute to halving the disability employment gap Supported by six objectives which will drive our work programme:- create a more integrated and supportive individual journey through the work and health systems; encourage work to be seen and embedded as a health outcome within the health and care system; create cultural change so that individuals, employers and wider society recognise the importance of work and health; influence employers so that they support health in the workplace thus improving productivity, and also recruit and retain people with health conditions and disabilities; use the resources currently expended by the employment and health and care systems where they make most difference; and develop delivery models that support and incentivise the outcomes we want.

Bridging the Gap Supporting unemployed people with health barriers to move closer to employment Funded by DH to develop and pilot the care model Holistic, person-centred employment support Initially service was available in Leicestershire city and county and Manchester Now rolling it out across East Midlands and North West area

Clients Variety of obstacles to moving closer to work mental health physical health condition management of long term conditions social issues impacting on health such as relationship, debt, housing, legal issues etc

Client journey Referrals – range of sources inc. GPs Case manager works with the client to identify, understand and overcome the barriers they face and work out an action plan to help them move forward and become closer to job market Access to a wide range of services and support

Outcomes Outcomes include clients: becoming work ready moving into work, training, volunteering reporting improved health and wellbeing reporting improved ability to look for work Over 40% clients move into work, training or volunteering

Case Study Client had been unemployed for 19 years since TB of the bones causing permanent damage to the bones in the lower lumber region, pelvis and right hip. Client was in constant pain Case management support and a range of interventions such as OT Functional Assessment, advice on benefits, support to access training Full time employment secured by client who reported work was helping her to manage pain better

Case Study Client had been unemployed for 4 years and was receiving ESA Met with case manager and agreed an action plan Range of support and interventions - OH support, physiotherapy, exercise referral, support to address housing issues, job search support, attended training to improve his IT skills, Client moved into full time employment and was received ongoing support for the transition from benefits to employment and managing his health conditions and being in work

Thanks for listening! Holly Neill Fit For Work Team Tel: Mob: