Shading relates to printmaking! HOW? Implied shading
Implied shading on shapes How could you make implied shading with black marker on geometric shapes?
History of Printmaking Albrecht Durer
Simple Relief Prints Ken Swanson
Relief Prints are basically composed of three building blocks Negative/Positive Space Rhythm/Repetition (patterns/textures) Proportion (depth/space)
Ken Swanson Linoleum Printmaker
Negative/ Positive Space
Rhythm/Repetition Prints by Ken Swanson
Proportion – space/depth
Learning Exercise (20 points for good composition) Create a design that incorporates the following. Negative & Positive Shapes Rhythm & Repetition (patterns and movement) Supplies: paper, pencil, ruler, compass, stencils, black sharpie
Black/White Prints by Ken Swanson
Natalia Moroz
Elizabeth Catlett
Elizabeth Catlett Special Houses
Edvard Munch Woodcut LithographOil Paint
Corner of a room - print idea