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What exactly is a Motivational Speech? A Motivational speech is written to persuade, or convince the listeners, to take action to improve. ◦ This might involve convincing someone that increased effort and energy will lead to improved performance. A motivational speech should provide an outline of the problem and the benefits of change which will require elements of conviction, direction, intensity and persistence from the speaker in their efforts to persuade the listener to take a pro-active approach. A Motivational speech is not an easy task and usually undertaken by professional speakers and politicians!
The Main Elements to Writing a Motivational Speech The main elements to writing a successful and effective Motivational speech are to convey your credibility as a speaker and your passion for the subject : Outline the Problem - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise, evidence and knowledge of the subject - presenting facts, statistics or quotes together with any personal experiences Conviction - Make the audience believe that there is a problem which requires solving Direction - Provide ideas and direction to solve the problem Passion and Intensity - Convey the subject with enthusiasm, passion and intensity to appeal to the emotions of the audience
The Structure and Outline of a Motivational Speech Your Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will be Credibility - Establish your credibility by demonstrating expertise, evidence and knowledge of the subject - presenting facts, statistics or quotes together with any personal experiences to make the audience believe in what you are saying Conviction - Make the audience believe that there is a problem which requires solving Direction - Provide ideas and direction to solve the problem Alternatives - Discuss the alternatives if no action is taken Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the main arguments for the subject Conclusion - Try to 'Go out with a Bang' or end with a memorable punch line or positive statement
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Famous Examples of Motivational Speeches St Crispin's Day - Henry V, William Shakespeare Helen Keller - June 30, 1925 I have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King JR I have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King JR Andrew Allen