CHAPTER 8 Ionic Compounds
Atoms vs Compounds Atom-smallest piece of matter that retains a material’s properties Molecule- atoms covalently bonded, bonded by the sharing of electrons 2 Diatomic molecules- elements that exist as two atoms covalently bonded (H 2, N 2, O 2, F 2, Cl 2, Br 2, I 2 ) Ionic compounds- ions bonded by their oppositely charged forces
8.1/ 8.2 Forming Ionic bonds Ionic bonds- formed by the donation of an electron from a (+) ion to a (-) ion EX: K +1 + F – 1 → KF (neutral) Cations and anions arrange into a crystal lattice: Cation- donates e- to achieve octet – K: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 1 Anion- accepts e- to achieve octet – F: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 5
Ionic Crystal Lattice
Properties of Ionic Compounds Solid Crystalline Brittle High melting point High boiling point Conducts electricity when dissolved in water
8.2 Vocubulary Electrolyte- an ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts electric current Lattice energy- energy required to separate one mole of the ions of an ionic compound
8.3 Formulas for Ionic Compounds Formula unit- simplest ratio of the ions represented in an ionic compound EX: NaCl, MgCl 2, AlCl 3 Monatomic ion- a one-atom ion, EX: Mg 2+, Br – Oxidation number- the charge of a monatomic ion Polyatomic ion- ions made up of more than one atom EX: NH 4 +, SO 4 2-
Ionic Formulas Ex: sodium oxide Identify charge on metal and nonmetal ions- (Ex: Na +, O 2- ) Criss-cross superscripts to balance charges (Ex: Na 2 O) Check if total formula has 0 charge Write answer with subscripts (Ex: Na 2 O) Note: Polyatomic (many atom) ions are same except parenthesis put around them before subscripts are added
Practice Writing Formulas Lithium chloride Potassium sulfide Magnesium bromide Calcium oxide Sodium nitrate Sodium sulfate Calcium chlorate
Naming Ionic Compounds NO PREFIXES If last ion is polyatomic, name normally (Ex: CaSO 4 = calcium sulfate) If last ion is monatomic, add –ide at end (Ex: CaCl 2 = calcium chloride)
Practice Naming Ionic Compounds CaO Na 2 SO 4 Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 MgSO 3
Transition Metals- The Stock System Some metals can exist in several forms Ex: Cu 1+, Cu 2+ Chemical formula used to decide which ion is present (Ex: CuCl 2 – must be Cu 2+ Name puts metal ion charge in parenthesis Ex: copper (II) chloride ***only done for some transition metals
Practice the Stock System Tin (II) oxide Iron (III) sulfide Copper (I) sulfate PbO PbO 2 Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3
8.4 Metallic Bonds Electron Sea Model for delocalized electrons All atoms contribute their electrons to the community