Adding a New Address via Colleague Updated
This tutorial is to be used for adding a new address in Colleague. This tutorial is not to be used for correcting an existing address via Colleague.
After logging into Colleague, select ST for the Student System from the Apps Menu.
Type the NAE (Name and Address Entry screen) in the Quick Access box. Then click the go button. A look up screen will display.
To add a new address in Colleague Use the arrows next to the preferred box to go to the first set of blank lines. i.e. PER. Enter the new address Click save to save work. Do not alter the preferred address in anyway by entering a Y in the preferred box.
Do not touch the drill down or drop down box. This will save the address that you are working with to a different category i.e. BUS, PER, etc. The SCL is not to be changed or altered in any way i.e.