Mineral and Rock Identification
What do you know about minerals? NATURALLY OCCURRING Inorganic SOLIDS Crystalline Structure
How do minerals form? FROM MAGMA Fast cooling magma FROM SOLUTION Slow cooling magma Saturated solution Solid comes out
How do you identify a mineral? COLOR red jasper iron purple amethyst ferric iron
LUSTER how shiny
STREAK color of powder HARDNESS copper penny iron nail glass plate
CLEAVAGE breakage in one directions
What are igneous rocks? sedimentary rocks? metamorphic rocks?
How do you classify igneous rocks? INTRUSIVE EXTRUSIVE grain size texture mineral composition
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What are sedimentary rocks?
What are the types and classifications of sedimentary rocks? COURSE GRAINED CLASTICS MEDIUM GRAINED CLASTICS FINE GRAINED CLASTICS
What are organic sedimentary rocks? contain fossils or once living
What are metamorphic rocks?
What are the types and classifications of metamorphic rocks?
TEXTURE nonfoliated granite What are the types and classifications of metamorphic rocks? SCHIST from MARBLE from foliated limestone