P_ _ _ _ _ _ _, before, after No hurricane disaster prevention plan Lack of hurricane relief action plan How to help people escape from hurricane, transportation etc Where to keep citizens, provide safe/temporary habitat How to arrange food and daily No plan for food and shelter No plan for medical relief No evacuation plan even 5 days after the hurricane Not enough food, medicine, water No plans for rebuilding city Underestimate the destruction caused by hurricane Underestimate the number of victims and refugees No rescue plan to avoid endangering live of the refugees
O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, before & after Fail to evacuate the poor and black citizens who did not have car No proper help/assistance for citizens who prefer to stay at their house No systems to distribute provide food or services to the needy Slow reaction to the relief actions Late arrival of relief supply Fail to coordinate the distribution of relief supplies: food, clear water, shelter No organization, separation of refugee, youth, elderly, sick, etc, No help to refugees in convention center Not enough military (some soldiers were playing cards) Not enough medicine, food, clear water for the refugees No organizing of community support from other parts of the States No coordination between government departments
L _ _ _ _ _ _, before & after Not appoint people organization to chair evacuation plan No leader before No one tells the poor what to do No one teaches people how to prepare for the hurricane Government, police department, fire department not responsive to the prevention of the disaster No communication No leaders leading the hurricane relief actions No leader after Top government official disappear, or cannot help Slow government reactions to hurricane relief No one is in charge, everyone is doing nothing, Refugees are annoyed and desperate
leader? FT 6 Sep 05 p.15 Ingrid Pinn Vacuum of Leadership
C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ before & after No signs of control except massive movement of citizens to convention centre and dome Fail to enforce a comprehensive evacuation plan Fail to control flooding and destruction No back up plans Lack of police, security patrol Fail to maintain social- order which give rise to crime, rape, riot Fail to monitor the spreading of diseases Fail to comfort/provide counselling to refugees
POLC More examples from HK? China?
Herb Kelleher
Good leader? Good manager? Why? “you don’t understand the philosophy...” “it’s because we have the most productive people in this industry...” “I love this company...” “because he is such a good role model...”... POLC??? IID??? CHT???