World Kidney Day Kidney Disease and Children. Better Knowledge, Better Care. 10 March 2016 Educational Powerpoint: Ages 6-11
World Kidney Day is a joint initiative Proudly supported by Kidney Health Australia
What are kidneys?
Size Shape
What kidneys do!
Kidneys check the nutrients that you get from food
They make urine to get rid of extra water and waste products
Maintain the right amount of water in the body
GO! They can change your blood pressure
They help the body make red blood cells
They produce active vitamin D
When Kidneys don’t work well
Your body can work with only 1 kidney
If both kidneys stop working for good Dialysis Trans- plantation
Dialysis Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis
Keep your kidneys healthy
Drink enough water every day. Kidneys like water a LOT!
Don’t eat food with too much salt!
Don’t eat food with too much sugar and avoid soft drinks!
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables!
Keep active! Play sports!
Do NOT smoke!
Do NOT take drugs!
Move your feet for World Kidney Day is a joint initiative Proudly supported by Kidney Health Australia