LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Curriculum Review LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics Presented to the Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) Functional Integrated Product Team (FIPT) Presented by T. B. Johnson, CSCP Performance Learning Director, Acquisition Logistics Defense Acquisition University 1
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 LCL Competency – DAU Curriculum Crosswalk Competency/ Course LOG 101 LOG 102 LOG 103 LOG 200 LOG 201 LOG 204 LOG 206 LOG 211 LOG 215 LOG 235 LOG 236 LOG 340 LOG 350 Logistics Design Influence Integrated Product Support (IPS) Planning Product Support and Sustainment Configuration Management Reliability & Maintainability Analysis Technical/Product Data Management Supportability Analysis Principal course that addresses the competency Deployed course/significant upgrade in progress Courses where the competency is a major learning point New course in development/planning Legend: Addressed, but not major learning point
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Discussion Topics 3 Course Background Key Personnel Updated Course Content Graduate Throughput / Metrics That Matter (MTM) Course Structure and Format Current Status PLD Assessment Questions & Answers
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 LOG 200 Course Description LOG 200 “provides a dynamic real-time learning environment oriented toward developing managerial and technical logistics competencies of the life cycle logistician. Special emphasis…in the areas of regulatory environment; oversight and review; management processes; technical activities; and the DoD PPBE.” –DAU iCatalog New version (v. 6) fielded 5 April 2010 (previous version fielded in September 2008) – Contains 6 lessons, estimated at 22 hours to complete “No Reset” test version (v. 7) deployed 19 July 2010 – No content change from Version 6 LOG 200 was formerly designated LOG 201A 4
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Key Personnel – Course Manager Dean Newman, DAU Mid-Atlantic (Pax River) – LCIC Performance Learning Director Terry Johnson – Course Manager Regional Representatives Capital and Northeast: Brian Yoo West:Andre Murphy Midwest:Ed Eden South:Hal Ernest – LCIC Instructional Systems Design James McDaniel 5
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Question Categories FY09FY10FY11* Courseware Online Delivery Learning Effectiveness Job Impact LOG 200 Metrics & Demographics *As of 5 April 2011
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Metrics & Demographics (cont.) LOG 200FY 08FY 09FY 10FY 11 (as of 5 April 10) Graduates (est. annualized: 1590) Army Air Force DoN Industry Other DoD All Others
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 LOG 200(V7) Graduation Rates Under “No Reset” 8 5 Sections open, 228 students currently enrolled (as of 5 April) 795 successful completions as of 5 April “No Reset” implemented 19 July 2010 with Version 7 Current successful completion rate is 81% Failure Rate is 15% Drop Rate is 4% Average Time to Complete declined from Version 6 to Version 7 Version 5: days Version 6: days Version 7: days
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Structure & Format LOG 200 has 6 modules: –Module 1: Define Supportability Objectives –Module 2: Evaluate Product Support Capabilities –Module 3: Develop Initial Product Support Strategy –Module 4: Product Support Plan –Module 5: Demonstrate Product Support Capability –Module 6: Cost Estimating / Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System (PPBE) Lessons within each module (except Module 6): –Regulatory Environment –Oversight and Review –Management Processes –Technical Activities –Metrics 9
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Define Supportability Objectives 1.1. Module One 10 TLOs: Identify the key policies, regulations, and guidance that influence the definition of supportability objectives and how they apply to the life cycle logistician Differentiate between the roles of the program manager’s office and other organizations and/or groups in the process of defining supportability objectives Identify the LCL’s role in the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process in developing support strategy goals and documentation Identify the technical activities the Life Cycle Logistician will have to perform to define the supportability objectives Identify the various metrics that affect the definition of supportability objectives and how they are used
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Evaluate Product Support Capabilities 2. Module Two 11 TLOs: Identify how the key policies, regulations, and guidance influence the evaluation of product support capabilities Differentiate between the roles of the program manager’s office and other stakeholders in evaluating product support capabilities Identify the LCL’s role in the management processes associated with evaluating product support capabilities that include: analysis of support alternatives systems operational effectiveness (SOE) market research Identify the LCL’s role in the technical activities associated with evaluating product support capabilities, including systems engineering, transitioning JCTDs, and ensuring open systems/interoperability Identify life cycle sustainment metrics that will be used in the evaluation of product support capabilities
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Develop Initial Product Support Strategy 3. Module Three 12 TLOs: Identify the key policies, regulations, and guidance that influence the development of product support strategy, and how they apply Differentiate between the roles of the program manager’s office and/or groups in developing the initial product support strategy Identify the LCL’s role in the management processes associated with developing the initial product support strategy, to include: Preparing or assessing logistics requirements in the Capability Development Document (CDD) Defining logistics test points in the TEMP Integrating the initial product support strategy with the acquisition strategy Identify the LCL’s role in the technical activities associated with developing initial product support strategies, to include: using modeling and simulation to reduce technology risk and increasing reliability and maintainability Identify life cycle metrics and how they are used during the Technology Development Phase
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Product Support Plan 4. Module Four 13 TLOs: Identify the key policies, regulations, and guidance that influence the creation of a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP), and how they apply to the Life Cycle Logistician Differentiate between the roles of the program manager, LCL and other individuals and/or organizations in creating a LCSP Identify the LCL’s role in the management processes associated with developing a LCSP Identify the LCL’s role in the technical activities associated with developing a LCSP, including the Sustainment Implementation Plan Identify the metrics considerations that guide the process of defining the metrics used in the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Demonstrate Product Support Capability 5. Module Five 14 TLOs: Identify the key policies, regulations, and guidance that influence the demonstration of planned product support capability Differentiate between the roles of the program manager (PM), life cycle logistician (LCL) and other individuals and/or organizations in the process of demonstrating product support capabilities Identify the management processes the life cycle logistician (LCL) uses when demonstrating product support capability, including fully defining/refining the product support strategy and refining logistics test points in the Test and Evaluation Master Plan Identify the technical activities associated with demonstrating product support capability, including collecting and evaluating system performance, cost and maintenance data to determine the need for changes to system configuration; and demonstrating acceptable interoperability and operational supportability Identify the kinds of metrics that are defined and used during demonstration of planned product support capabilities
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Cost Estimating/PPBE 6. Module Six 15 TLOs: Identify the techniques available to the Life Cycle Logistician (LCL) in cost estimating for logistics funding requirements Recognize the PPBE process as the source of financial resources for the LCL and the importance of PPBE in every phase of a project life cycle Describe the Planning Phase of PPBE Describe the Programming Phase of PPBE Describe the Budgeting Phase of PPBE Identify the kinds of PPBE issues an LCL may face with regards to budget funding
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 PLD Assessment LOG 200 needs ongoing vigilance: – Covers a broad range of acquisition logistics competencies – Highly susceptible to changes in DoD policy – Increasing emphasis on activities early in the acquisition process, especially pre-Milestone A Requires update in FY 11 – Changes to reflect PPBE cycle changes – Increased emphasis on Affordability/Efficiency – Changes to reflect DTM – Changes to reflect new Integrated Product Support Elements (IPS Elements) – Pending JCIDS changes to Ownership Cost KSA – Ability to affect revisions impacted by CR/852 issues 16
LOG 200 Curriculum Review 15 Apr 2011 Questions? 17