Erasmus+ Announcement Academic Year School of Economics
Erasmus When the announcement will be published? In January 2016 and it will be on-line up to the end of February Where the announcement will be available? At the link: How to apply? At the following link:
Who is eligible for the Erasmus+ scholarship? All the students enrolled at the Faculty of Economics starting from the first year of both bachelor and master courses; Students must be regularly enrolled at the academic year ; The language certificate is mandatory in order to apply
Which language certificate is necessary to apply? Each partner university has its own language requirement, which can be viewed on the following link:
Which is the duration of the Erasmus+ period? In order to receive the scholarship, the duration of the Erasmus+ program is of a minimum of 3 months up to a maximum of 12 months (for both bachelor and master courses) per study cycle.
How much is the Erasmus+ scholarship? The contribution for the Erasmus+ scholarship is of about €300 per month, depending on the country you will decide to go; The 70% of the scholarship will be distributed only after the proof of arrival at the Host Institution (confirmation of arrival and departure).
Which are the Universities Partners? You can consult the following link:
What about the departures? Indicatively the departures are: First Semester from August 2016 Second Semester from January 2017
Which are the criteria for the evaluation of the ranking? The criteria that will be used for the ranking are: exams, weighted average, first year of enrollment; In the final ranking bachelor and master students will be merged, according to the number of applications received.
Which are the steps before the departure? (1/2) 1st step: To fill out the application online at the following link:\studenti Necessary documents: A copy of your academic booklet; ID card or Passport; A transcript of your exams, which can be downloaded at the following link: A passport photo; Certificate of your bachelor degree or self-certification; Language certificate;
Which are the steps before the departure? (2/2) 2nd step: Publication of the ranking (on the first week of March 2016); 3rd step: Presentation of the partner universities (in the middle of March); 4th step: Final assignment of the grants in Aula Magna (by the end of March 2016). 5th step: Signature of the contract; 6th step: DEPARTURE.
Other information: The fees must be paid only at the Home university; Support for the accommodation; health insurance or European Health Card (Tessera Sanitaria); Approval by the professors of Tor Vergata of the programmes to be followed at the partner university. NB: Students must do only the exams belonging to their study plan.
Which are the requirements to obtain the Erasmus+ scholarship? To obtain the Erasmus+ Scholarship it is necessary to obtain a minimum number of credits: 5 ECTS for a trimester; 10 ECTS for a semester; 20 ECTS for a year.
Who can I ask? For any further questions, the ERASMUS+ Office of the School of Economics is on the Building B, ground floor. Dott.ssa Susanna Petrini, Erasmus+ Coordinator: Tel Dott.ssa Simona De Angelis: Tel Office timetable: Monday 10: :00 a.m. Wednesday 10: :00 a.m. and 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday 10: :00 a.m. Or you can check the website: