Lifecycle of a Frog An amazing animal that starts out life in the water and ends up living on land.
An egg -is one of many eggs. -is protected in a jellylike substance. -is eaten by other animals.
A Tadpole -is completely developed. -has a round body, a tail, and gills. -eats plants and decaying animals. -changes form as it grows. -is completely developed. -has a round body, a tail, and gills. -eats plants and decaying animals. -changes form as it grows.
A Tadpole with Legs A Tadpole with Legs -starts to sprout little legs. -body gets longer as it grows. -lungs begin to develop. can eat insects. -will soon develop front legs.
A Froglet -has arms and legs and only a small tail stub. -loses it gills. -begins to breathe air and come out of the water. -has arms and legs and only a small tail stub. -loses it gills. -begins to breathe air and come out of the water.
An Adult Frog -has completed the growth cycle. -eats insects and small animals. -catches food with its tongue. -lays eggs and continues the lifecycle.
Frog Fact -Frogs have sticky tongues. -They can be found anywhere but Antartica. -Frog hunt at night. -People who study frogs are called herpetologists. -Frogs have sticky tongues. -They can be found anywhere but Antartica. -Frog hunt at night. -People who study frogs are called herpetologists. -Frogs are amphibians. -They are cold- blooded. -Frogs absorb water through their skin. -They have strong hind legs.
Interesting Facts About Frogs -Frogs have an extra transparent eyelid for protection under water. -The bull frog can jump 9 times the length of its body. -The largest frog, the goliath frog, can grow to more than 1 foot long. -Frog hearts have 3 chambers so it can breathe through its lungs and also through its skin. Click here FROGS to find out more about frogs.FROGS
Are Frogs Important? YES!!! -Frogs are a source of food in some countries -They eat pesky insects. -Frogs are an important part of the food web. -Frogs are a source of food in some countries -They eat pesky insects. -Frogs are an important part of the food web.
Frog Jokes WWhy are frogs so happy? --They eat whatever bugs them. WWhat do you say to a hitch-hiking frog? --Hop-in!! WWhats green, green, green, green? --A frog rolling down the hill.