R.A.F.T WRITING Role/Audience/Format/Topic
RAFT Writing is simply a way to think about the four main things that all writers have to consider: Role of the Writer Who are you as the writer? Are you Abraham Lincoln? A warrior? A homeless person? An auto mechanic? The endangered snail darter? Audience To whom are you writing? Is your audience the American people? A friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? A local bank? Format What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A poem? Topic What's the subject or the point of this piece? Is it to persuade a goddess to spare your life? To plead for a re-test? To call for stricter regulations on logging?
All children have fun with their friends. Think about a friend you have. This friend might be a classmate, neighbor, family member or pet. Think about something fun you have done together. Now, in a letter, tell your classmates about a time you had fun with your friend.
Role: I am taking the role of a friend. I am being me! Audience: I am writing to my classmates. Format: Letter Topic: I am telling about a time I had fun with my friend.
8962 Best Friend Avenue Harleyville, South Carolina 5555 February 11, 2014 Dear Classmates, I have the best of friends and we always have the greatest time together. Nevertheless, my best friend name is Jeremy. Our favorite time together was when we went on our first cruise to the Bahamas. It was a gift from my family to all of my friends. We attended family-oriented games, pool parties, and an exclusive dinner for my family and friends. I will not forget this moment because he made it the best experience ever. He kept me laughing at his comical jokes and crazy dance moves. Thankfully, I captured every moment of it on my camera. This is a lifetime event that I will always cherish. Sincerely, Ms. Snell
A travel agency is looking for exciting vacation destinations that are a bit out of the ordinary. Imagine that the agency asks you to explore (a particular country, city, or area). Write a letter to them that describes the interesting experiences you had there.