facebook Leonardo i s preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty WallPaintingsFlairBoxesLeonardo da vinchiLogout View photos of Leonardo da vinchi(5) Poke message Wall InfoPaintingsBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Birthday: Political: Religion: Hometown Friends sisterbartholomeo Leonardo:I just finished PAINTING the Mona Lisa 1503 Great send me a picture of it Leonardo oh is that today send me the time of the festival John F. Kennedy wishes the Bay of Pigs invasion had gone better! I think Castro is going to be a major thorn in the side of the U.S. April 17, 1961 Bartholomeo Marchionni Leonardo: ok Bartomolo Cool I shall meet you at the wine festival
Personal Information facebook John F. Kennedy is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout View photos of JFK (5) Send JFK a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks:. Birthday: Political: Religion:. Photos Networks:. Sex: Male Birthday: Hometown: Relationship Status: Political Views: Religious Views: Activities: painting Interests: painting, drawing Favorite Music: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr. Favorite Movies: Some Like it Hot, Gentleman Prefer Blondes, Ocean’s Eleven, Guys and Dolls Favorite TV Shows: So you think you can paint painting whith the stars italyian idol Favorite Books: The Road Not Taken, From Russia With Love, Marlborough, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 2 Albums Contact Information Address: 1600 Pennsy Phone Number: yell leonardo
facebook WallPhotosJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Paintings 1 Painting JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums John F. Kennedy is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty