SSAwise Revenue Target & Achievement for the year (Upto August, 2012) (Amount in Crores) SSAAnnual Target MONTHLY TARGET PROP TARGET UPTO THE MONTH ACHIEVEMENT UPTO THE MONTH VARIATION (%) Trivandrum Kollam Alappuzha Pathanamthitta Kottayam Ernakulam Thrissur Palakkad Kozhikode Malappuram Kannur CMTS CGMT TOTAL
SSA wise / Year wise Revenue Comparison Vs (upto August) (Amount in Crores) SSA % of variation Trivandrum Kollam Alappuzha Pathanamthitta Kottayam Ernakulam Thrissur Palakkad Kozhikode Malappuram Kannur TOTAL CGMT CMTS TOTAL
Portal Payments for Land line/CDMA/Mobile for May'12/June'12/July’12 May 2012June 2012July 2012 Increase / Decrease in No.of TXNs w.r.t. previous month % of Increase/ Decrease TXN w.r.t previous month SSATXNsAmountTXNsAmountTXNsAmount Alappuzha Kannur Ernakulam Kozhikode Kottayam Malappuram Palakkad Pathanamthitta Kollam Thrissur Trivandrum Total Land line CDMA Cellone Wimax Total CFA+CM
Targets of Operational Parameters for Basic Services for the year Performance ParametersTarget for Fault Rate (%) 5 Fault Clearance (%) a) Same Day80.2 b) By Next Day 90 c) Within 3 Days100 (For Urban areas) d) Within 5 Days100 (For Rural/ Hilly areas) CCR (%) a) Local74 b) Junction65 c) STD61 MTTR 7 Hrs. Provision of Services in ‘Area On-Demand’ (%): a) i) New Connection (Within 3 Days)60 ii) New Connection (Within 7 Days)100 b) Local Shift (Within 3 Days)100 c) Inter-Exchange Shift (Within 5 Days)100 6-Mar-16BSNL KERALA4
Details of NPCs During August 2012 SSA AUGUST 1 TO 31 Brought Forward +Booked NPC Provided within 7 days % Achievement within 7 days ( Target=100%) NPC Provided 7 to 30 days % Achievement 7 to 30 days ALP CLT CNN ENK KTM MRX PGT PTA QLN TRC TVM CIRCLE Mar-16BSNL KERALA5
Details of Shift Reconnections During August 2012 SSA AUGUST 1 TO 31 Brought Forward +Booked Shift Reconnection Provided within 7 days % Achievement within 7 days ( Target=100%) Shift Reconnection Provided 7 to 30 days % Achievement 7 to 30 days ALP CLT CNN ENK KTM MRX PGT PTA QLN TRC TVM CIRCLE Mar-16BSNL KERALA6
Target and Achievement of Broadband SSAConnection Target for Achievement upto August 2012 % of Achiev ement Net Gross TCR % ALP % KTM % ENK % PTA % CNN % PGT % KLM % MRX % CLT % TVM % Total %
3/6/20168/CFA-MKTG At least 25 % penetration is expected from all SSAs by this year SSA Total Cumulative Land Line Working Lines Total Cumulative Broadband Working Line BB penetration ALP % CLT % CNN % ENK % KLM % KTM % MLP % PGT % PTA % TCR % TVM % Total % BB penetration as on 31/08/2012
Status of BB Fault Rectification * As per TRAI guidelines > 60% fault should be rectified on same day and >90% on next wkg day Name of SSA Total Fault Registered No. of fault rectified on the same day % of fault rectified on the same day No of fault rectified on the next wkg day % of fault rectified by next wkg day ENK % KLM % KTM % TCR % PGT % ALP % TVM % MRX % CLT % PTA % CNN % Total %
Recovery of rental modems from the closed BB connections for the period to (CDR figure) SSATotal cases where LL is Wkg and BB Closed Total Cases where LL & BB Closed BB Conn: DNP for more than 90 days Total TVM KLM PTA ALP KTM ENK TCR PGT MRX CLT CNN Total All SSAs are requested to collect the rental modems from the BB closed connections
USOF BB Connection SSAPC BundlingKiosks TargetAchievement as on TargetAchievement as on Alleppey Calicut Cannanore Ernakulam & LD Kottayam Malappuram Palghat Pathanamthitta Quilon Trichur Trivandrum Total
SSA No. of BTS Target for FY Gross Achievement up to Net Achievement up to CDMA Voice connections as on 31/8/2012 ALP CLT ENK KNR KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM Total SSA WISE CDMA CONNECTION STATUS DURING APR-AUG 2012
SSA No. of BTS Target FY WIMAX Conns as on 31/3/2012 Gross Achivement Up to Net Achivement up to WIMAX Conns as on 31/8/2012 ALP CLT ENK KNR KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM Total SSA WISE WIMAX CONNECTION STATUS DURING APR - AUG 2012
SSA WISE GSM CONNECTION STATUS DURING APR-AUG 2012 SSA GSM Target for Net Achievement APR to AUG-12% Achmnt Alleppey Calicut Ernakulam Kannur Kollam Kottayam Malappuram Palghat Pathanamthitta Thrissur Trivandrum TOTAL
SALE OF 3.6 Mbps/14.4 Mbps HSDPA DATA CARDS (Apr - July 2012) SSA Sales up to Jun-12 Sales during Jul-12 Total sales during (up to Jul-12) 3.6 Mb14.4 Mb3.6 Mb14.4 Mb3.6 Mb14.4 Mb ALP CLT ENK KNR KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM Total
No of Colleges and Domain creations for NME a)SSANo of Colleges Covered % Coverage GovtPvtTotalGovtPvt TotalGovtPvt Total ALP CLT CNN ENK KLM KTM MRX PGT PTA TCR TVM TOTAL
Target Of Colleges to be connected under NMEICT Present Status of connectivity SSATotal CollegesColleges covered as per updates available in Google Docs Remaining colleges to be covered ALP CLT CNN ENK KLM KTM MRX PGT PTA TCR TVM Total
The following activities may be taken to cover all the colleges under NMEICT. Visit the colleges/institutions and to explain the importance of NME project along with the tariff for taking connectivity. To put in all efforts to convince the colleges and obtain their consent. Colleges can be included additionally in the project Colleges can be included additionally in the project If the colleges provides one of the documents If the colleges provides one of the documents a) approval of AICTE b) accreditation letter by NAAC a) approval of AICTE b) accreditation letter by NAAC c) letter of affiliation to any University & c) letter of affiliation to any University & d) 12B/2F college status by UGC. d) 12B/2F college status by UGC. Scanned copy of any of the above documents may please be sent to this Office so as to obtain domain from NME Cell.
SSA TOTAL SITES (MACRO SITES) FD TRAFFIC < 100 ERL% OF LOW TRAFFIC SITES ALP % EKM % KKD % KLM % KNR % KTM % MLP % PKD % PTA % TCR % TVM % TOTAL % Very Low Traffic 2G sites SSA wise classification – AUG 12
Survey of QoS of MS –period April’12 to June’12 – Parameters monitored NW KPIs/NW availability/NW development/NW usage & CAF/ Call center/Customer care & awareness/ Metering & billing. SSAScore achievedMajor Deviations(Scored 0 marks) ALP Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 EKM Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 KKD80.97 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 KLM Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 KNR77.66 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 KTM Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 MLP70.42 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 PKD81.75 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 PTA Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 TCR Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 TVM Achievement of Net Subscribers addition target-0/8, Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2
BTS Outages due to media SSA No of BTS No of Instanc es Total down time LINK FAILURES No of Instances Down time due to media Average Down Time (media) % out of Total EKM :24: :10:576:30: % ALP :09: :16:205:56: % KTM :49: :17:463:51:276.90% PTA :08:101178:16:447:06:599.77% KLM :12: :35:135:53: % TVM :43: :21:215:13: % TCR :33: :14:403:56: % PKD :37: :56:446:11: % MLP :09: :28:315:15: % KNR :31: :39:536:11: % KKD :58: :24:257:50: %
6-Mar-16BSNL KERALA22 SSA Target RKM Achieved as on Achievement (in %) ALP CLT CNN ENK KTM MRX7000 PGT8000 PTA4000 QLN TCR TVM Total OFC Targets & Achievements
BB Connections for Agriculture Dept BB Connections for Agriculture Dept SSALandline Applied Landline provided BB appliedBB Provided TVM KLM ALP PTA KTM ENK TCR PGT MRX CLT CNN TOTAL
Leased Line for KWA Leased Line for KWA SSAA/N issuedProvided TVM33 KLM41 ALP32 PTA30 KTM41 ENK2113 TCR87 PGT31 MRX21 CLT20 CNN73 TOTAL6032
SSA CAF Given to the old tender (30th Sept 2009) Forms scanned % Forms scanned Forms uploaded % Forms Uploaded (out of Forms scanned) ALP CLT CNN EKM ,80, KLM KTM MLP , PGT PTA ,82, TCR , TVM , TOTAL ,35, CAF SCANNING STATUS AS ON
SSA Apr-Sep 11Oct -Dec 11 Dec-11 Special Audit ALP CLT EKM KNR KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM Others Total5,93,0006,55,0005,59,0001,25,0004,000 CAF Penalty details for the period From 2009 to 2011
PHASE VII : SITE ACQUISITION STATUS AS ON 20 – BSSSSA Deferred Candidate HPCAcquired BSS gaveCandidate DIVISIO N Count Received required Over suitabilit ySites Not from From BSS Verific.BSSAgreemnt HPC received from Division in Progress PENDING Pending DIVISIONs KNR P KNR T TLY P KNRTLY T MTR CUU TMB SKM PAY KSZ KNG CNG NLS CVU PDL 5 2( 1 MARR SITE) UPL 3 2(1 MARR SITE) MJR Total ( 2 MARR sites)