The External Dimension of a European Migration Policy Katharina Eisele 14de Ius Commune Congres November 26 th and 27 th, 2009
Faculty of Law Overview Migration in the EU’s external relations in the 1990s Tampere and Amsterdam The EU’s Global Approach to Migration New, balanced and comprehensive approach?
Faculty of Law Migration in the EU’s External Relations in the 1990s Commission Communications 1992 Edinburgh Council Conclusions 1998 Austrian Presidency High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration
Faculty of Law Tampere and the Treaty of Amsterdam Comprehensive approach to migration Partnerships with countries of origin Root causes approach Management of migration flows Stronger external action Amsterdam Treaty, Title IV EC on immigration and asylum
Faculty of Law The EU’s Global Approach to Migration Hampton Court 2005 Initially, focus on the Mediterranean region and African countries Extension to Eastern and South-Eastern regions “External Dimension of the EU’s Migration Policy based on Partnerships with Third Countries”
Faculty of Law The EU’s Global Approach to Migration (2) 2008 Pact on Immigration and Asylum Global context: -UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Asylum -Global Forum on Migration and Development -Global Migration Group
Faculty of Law The EU’s Global Approach to Migration (3) Three Dimensions: - Legal economic migration - Irregular migration - Migration and development Institutional framework: association- and partnership agreements
Faculty of Law The EU’s Global Approach to Migration (4) Implementing tools: -ministerial conferences -mobility partnerships -Regional Protection Programmes -FRONTEX -readmission agreements -circular migration -migration profiles
Faculty of Law Concluding Remarks Integration of migration in the EU’s external relations is not a new concern New policy instruments Balanced and comprehensive approach? The Stockholm Programme