Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14 Solar Thermal in major renovations and protected urban areas UrbanSolPlus The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Project summary Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14 Main objective: allowing a major diffusion of solar thermal, reducing the barriers to its use in demanding situations, namely major renovations and multi-family buildings located in protected urban areas 11 partners from 6 different countries (DE, ES, IT, PL, PT, SL) including local authorities, energy agencies, solar thermal experts and industry Main target groups: Local communities and energy agencies Local stakeholders and market actors concerned Solar thermal sector Expected outputs and results: the participating Communities (Barcelona, Benevento, Berlin, Lisbon, Pescara) will exchange, improve and implement best practice experiences and models for introducing solar thermal in demanding situations Through dissemination of these experiences, replication of the models will be stimulated, improving the impact of the project
Background Article 13 of the 2009/28/EC Directive requires minimum share of renewables for new buildings and major renovations. given the current very low construction rate for new buildings, renovation play a key role for addressing a large part of the building stock However… very often the scope of these building laws include just new buildings and not renovations building located in protected areas are often exempted, even though the extension of these areas are actually relevant. Moreover renovations, especially of large buildings, are complicated from several points of view Therefore…UrbanSolPlus aims at allowing a major diffusion of solar thermal, reducing the barriers to its use in major renovations in multi- family buildings located in urban and/or protected areas, thus helping the implementation of the 2009/28/EC Directive Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Objectives Main objective: allowing a major diffusion of solar thermal, reducing the barriers to its use in demanding situations, namely major renovations and multi-family buildings located in protected urban areas Outcomes and consequences: renewable heat obligations will have a wider scope, thanks to the inclusion of renovations and protected areas, which will not be automatically exempted Communities and local stakeholders will have the necessary expertise to deal with diffusion of solar thermal plants in demanding urban situations ST manufacturers will increase their specialised know-how and will be able to provide solutions for turn-key plants in demanding situations promote modified and improved building codes or ordinances, which will take into account the results of the project Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Main steps Critical survey on: best practice experiences and stakeholder cooperation models for solar thermal plants in multi-family house renovations existing solutions for architectural integration of ST systems legal framework and successful examples of implementation of ST in protected areas For each country, production of a reliable base of system solutions, related costs and resulting investment feasibility for the specific boundary conditions (targeting potential investors) Implementation of practical actions in the participating communities: development strategy for promoting the use of solar thermal in urban quarters, building renovation sector and protected areas master plan for developing the use of solar thermal in one representative urban block, quarter or area start-up of the implementation of measures Dissemination and involvement of the target groups Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Expected results Installation of a relevant number of systems on large residential buildings in the participating communities Practical implementation of models for developing solar thermal in demanding urban areas Improvement of the know-how of Communities and local stakeholders for dealing with solar thermal plants in demanding urban situations New and innovative solutions coming from the solar thermal industry, regarding large scale plants and architectural integration inclusion of renovations and protected areas in the scope of renewable obligations for buildings Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Achieved results [1] Collection of a large exemplary cases on business models, architectural integration, solutions on heritage buildings, to be found and downloadable from the website [ 4 separate transfer guidelines on Technical issues, Stakeholder cooperation, Architectural integration and Protected buildings 6 feasibility decision base, one for each partner country The Guide: an important dissemination tool towards a wider diffusion of solar thermal plants on multifamily houses Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Achieved results [2] 5 Development Strategies for the local communities Barcelona Berlin Benevento Lisbon Pescara 5 Master Plans for specific areas accordingly to the Development Strategies Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Achieved results [3] Installation of a relevant number of systems on large residential buildings in the participating communities: operative figures are available from Barcelona, Berlin and from Lisbon. Berlin – assumption is that plants larger than 20 m2 are installed on MFH : plant subsidized from BAFA: 50 for a total 1,013 m2 (average 20.3 m2/plant) plants <20m2: 34 for a total 551 m2 (average 16.2 m2/plant) plants >20m2: 16 for a total 462 m2 (average 28.9 m2/plant) about 45 % of the installed plants are on MFH Barcelona : plants installed: 409 for a total 16,500 m2 plants on MFH: 224 for a total 7,234 m2 (average 32.3 m2/plant) about 55 % of the installed plants are on MFH (and 44% measured on square meters) Lisbon – following the data collected from the National Energy Agency, ADENE, and regarding the number of energy certificates issued between for MFH with STS, the results are : plants installed on MFH: 346 (average 9.82 m2/plant) representing 12 % of total installations (measured on square meters) Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Achieved results [4] Modified and improved (protected) building codes or ordinances: development of rules and requirements, instead of exemptions, for solar thermal in renovation cases and protected buildings. In the Province of Pescara three new building codes in implementation and commitment in adopting 46 renovated building codes. In Barcelona the municipality has started to work on new energy local regulation to be finished in draft by end of 2014 Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Partners & contact Project partners: Ambiente Italia (IT) Lisboa E-nova (PT) Solites – Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems (DE) Agència d'Energia de Barcelona (ES) EC BREC Institute for Renewable Energy Ltd (PL) Aiguasol (ES) Ezavod (SL) Provincia di Benevento (IT) Berlin Energy Agency (DE) Provincia di Pescara (IT) Apisolar (PT) Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14
Partners & contact Project Coordinator: Ms. Chiara Wolter, Ambiente Italia Via Poerio 39, Milano (Italy) Phone: Contract N°: IEE/10/280/SI Duration: June, 1° 2011 – May, 31° 2014 Slides date: 31/05/14