Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Getting Involved In Your Community & Starting a Local Chapter
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Why have this discussion? Because to change the world, we have to change our communities.
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Why are Community Service Organizations (CSO) created? Because there is a gap in the work that is getting done in a community.
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Best Practices for All CSOs Establish a focused goal Find a steady funding source Get the message out. Make it easy for people to help you. Look at what works and emulate that.
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Starting a Local Chapter Create a charter Define your mission Set goals: one year plan and three year plan
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Chapter Organization The Chapter Board Members Committees and Working Groups
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Finances & Fundraising Corporate Local Events Donations
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority National S.T.O.P. Financial Obligation National Activities Resource for chapter
Keep Education Vital In Neighborhoods Dane County Chapter of S.T.O.P - Safe Tables Our Priority Conclusion Starting a chapter cannot be based on sorrow or frustration or anger. It must be based on having a vision of how your community can be even a better place to live.