artec new media literacy Frank Boyd arts technology centre BBC future development
background theatre practise community arts/ participatory multimedia political/social context
principles empowerment through creative practise quality of process quality of product development
old media technologies one to many exclusive author/consumer established forms
new media technologies many to many participatory anyone can publish no established forms
access ° infrastructure = reading + comprehension = writing + creating = literacy
key concerns creativity and culture community and the citizen commerce and industry
arts technology centre access to digital media training and education research and development production
training and education access to digital arts vocational training long-term unemployed industry standards
training and education formal education outreach programmes community organisations
research and development artists residency channel events software development
production and publishing creative projects public sector commercial projects artec
independent european media influencing policy on support for independent media creativity and research the public domain access and education building a network
a coalition of institutions and individuals working together to use and develop participatory media for social change. european cultural backbone independent european media
ecb objectives achieve improved technical infrastructure develop new tools for creative expression and widen access to them enhance participatory and inclusive forms of social interaction bandwidth tools form
ecb objectives stimulate critical debate about the social and cultural effects of technological development mediate between various social actors, including businesses, governments, educational and cultural sectors strengthen the links between members in greater Europe, connecting them to wider international communities and initiatives catalyst policy network
ecb strategies: exchange business strategies, fund-raising, project management, technology, legal issues etc. thematically focussed working groups and meetings on issues relating to media- cultural practices collaborative projects share knowledge working groups research
ecb strategies: campaign raise public awareness engage in dialogue with cultural and media policy makers promote best practice in new media culture promote lobby disseminate
ecb strategies: create develop tools for collaboration develop online environments for information exchange, communication and digital decision making develop projects between members of the ECB and others software spaces collaboration
artec new media literacy Frank Boyd