CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Technical Training in 2005 The ECDL Pilot Project 2005 TEC, Davide Vitè HR-PMD – TEC,
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Technical Training: General Restructuring of HR-PMD-ATT Reduced administrative support during the second half of 2005 –some short-term help was made available –opportunity for process review CTA2 - CERN Training Application –debugging phase 2005 Revalidation exercise – year-end 2005 –withdrawal of pending Training Requests made prior to September or December 2004 (TBC)
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Internship from the University of Geneva: TT Evaluation project (1) UNIGE Degree project with CERN Technical Training –Contacts with departments/units (DTOs, staff,…) and trainers 4 DTOs and a couple of trainers already met Evaluation of technical competences acquired following a specific training action – draft proposal being evaluated –Selection of a few appropriate course sessions –Identify needs and expectations before the training action –Training action –Feedback questionnaire (at the end of session) –Evaluation form (1-3 months later) –Evaluation interview (1-2 months later)
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Internship from the University of Geneva: TT Evaluation project (2) Choice of course sessions more appropriate to an evaluation pilot project –AutoCAD, PCAD –LabVIEW, Siemens Step 7 –some office software (Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat, FrontPage) –a possible next session of Technique du vide Participation to other course evaluation and/or design activities when relevant to both parties –e.g., re-evaluation of recent training action on Dreamweaver (new training company) Corrective action being designed, organised, and evaluated after a first session with mixed feedback some DTOs contacted
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Technical Training in 2005: Provisional statistics
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development 2005 Statistics – provisional (1) Curriculum SessionsParticipations #(%)# WBTechT20 courses27 accesses Software & System Technologies4532%40934% Electronics design2115%22419% Mechanical design (ANSYS, AutoCAD, La technique du vide) 8 6%85 7% Office software4129%22819% Special2618%25921% Totals141100% %
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development 2005 Statistics – provisional (2) Exceptional contributions to yearly statistics (1) Software & System Technologies –PVSS/JCOP: 2 courses, CERN trainers 15 sessions, 136 participants –EDMS: 4 courses, CERN trainers 13 sessions, 110 participants Electronics design –LabVIEW: 6 courses, external trainers (National Instruments) 11 sessions, 68 participants –High-speed Digital PCB design: 1 course, external trainers (Oxford University Continuing Education) 1 session, 47 participants
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development 2005 Statistics – provisional (3) Exceptional contributions to yearly statistics (2) Office software –CERN-specific (CET, LaTeX), 2 sessions, 22 participants Special –EDMS: 1 course, CERN trainers 2 sessions, 29 participants –Oracle Certifications: 2 sessions, 25 participants –AutoCAD: 1 course (training support to version migration, AutoCAD2002 to AutoCAD2006 transition), external trainers 4 sessions, 32 participants
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development 2005 Statistics – provisional (4) Course Series ELEC Electronics in High Energy Physics 4 Terms, 28 two-hour lectures, 40 ave. registrations per termELEC Electronics in High Energy Physics IT3T - IT Technical Training Tutorials) - June Tutorials, 20 registrations per tutorial (on average) AXEL Introduction to Particle Accelerators 10 one-hour lectures, 5 days, 53 registrationsAXEL Introduction to Particle Accelerators EMAG Electromagnetic Design and Mathematical Optimization Methods in Magnet Technology 8 three-hour lectures + 8 topical seminars, 8 days 22 registrationsEMAG Electromagnetic Design and Mathematical Optimization Methods in Magnet Technology
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development TT courses in preparation CLEAN-2002: Working in a cleanroom (F/E) –cleanroom course being revised AXEL-2006 or 2007 Reviewed software engineering curriculum –Software engineering –C++ –Java Office software curriculum –Short courses vs. long courses –ECDL? Certification –LabVIEW, AutoCAD
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Technical Training Seminars 2005 LEICA GEOSYSTEMS AG Laser Trackers: the Local Positioning Technology (LPT) May 2005 CADSCHOOL Forum AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 November 2005 Training support for 2002 2006 software migration 2 seminars being scheduled in early 2006 Texas Instruments A Physicist in the world of finance (AT)
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development The ECDL Pilot Project 2005: Report
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Why ECDL? internationally recognized competency model –CERN STI 2004 project for personnel development (considering current structure of short- and long-term contracts) –modularity is a key factor objective benchmark increase knowledge of relevant applications to enhance productivity within an ongoing development process –ECDL Start, ECDL, ECDL Advanced, CAD (Computer Aided Design), CTP (Certified Training Professional)
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development The 7 Modules M1 Basic concepts of IT M2 Using the computer and managing files M3 Word processing M4 Spreadsheets M5 Database M6 Presentation M7 Information and Communication computerised tests NB: ECDL is not vendor oriented
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development ECDL at CERN – peculiarities importance of a modular approach all commercial software at CERN is made available by IT in English only –need of a training offer for office software in English AND in French on the English software
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development The CERN ECDL 2004 Evaluation Project (Pilot #1) phase 1a: evaluation by external consultant phase 1b: internal evaluation –policy, evaluation of need and interest levels, project definition, initial endorsement by TEC and JTB phase 2: pilot project with selected users –3 information sessions –special training sessions –CERN ECDL Test Day: phase 3: final evaluation phase 4: recommendation of second pilot
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development The CERN ECDL 2005 PH Project (Pilot #2) New Pilot Project 2005 for the first “standard” ECDL certification at CERN (official ECDL Test Centre CH-180) –the DTO of PH collaborated in gradually introduce ECDL –Identification of a group of 9 people (in particular new LS with LD contracts) special project aimed at offering the ECDL Start financial support – cost was about 3’200.- CHF (tests, trainer) –4 sessions (April-July 2005) facilitated by TT and external (ECDL certified) trainer
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development PH Pilot project ECDL person diagnostic tests done attempted modules passed modules ECDL Start Cert. Average on passed A776OK83% B544OK91% C21--72% D786OK83% E133-94% F366OK83% G455OK96% H965OK84% J654OK81%
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development How is ECDL currently used at CERN? ECDL for staff recruiting – diagnostic tests –10 selection boards since March 2005 ECDL for training – diagnostic tests –Proposed at the end of relevant training sessions (classroom- or Web-based) –Pilot course with ECDL test proposed: ACCESS Level 1 –Limited interest if left optional
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development ECDL proposal for 2006 Renew site license Propose ECDL certification –Identify target audience – open attitude preferred –Support from JTB, TEC, DTO & management if possible (at the GL level at least) –Apply new evaluation method (UNIGE intern) Training: continue with diagnostic tests Recruiting: continue with diagnostic tests Proposal submitted to the JTB on
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development A possible implementation of ECDL at CERN The ECDL Start Certificate –Any 4 of the 7 modules –Suggested choice (PH, TT, IT): M1 Basic concepts of IT M2 Using the computer and managing files M7 Information and Communication M3 Word processing or M4 Spreadsheets –Training to be offered, where necessary
CERN HR Department Personnel Management and Development Technical Training in 2005 The ECDL Pilot Project 2005 TEC, Davide Vitè HR-PMD – TEC,