Rober Martinez-Espineira Economics Introduction
How to find me My office is: AA3087AA3087 My is: My office hours are posted on my door and on my website
Objectives of the Course To learn about the Canadian and global economies To learn some of the key principles and tools used by economists To become an effective critic of economic policy To learn how to interpret Economics in the media
Course Objectives Text book The main text book for this course is Michael Parkin and Bade’s Microeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment, 7th Edition
Other Study tools Econ2010 website (coming soon) I will open access for you and you the link Quizzes and practice exercise on MyEconLab
Practice with the quizzes suggested by Parkin Use the chapter tips Use office hours if you need help also
2 midterms: 60% Final exam: 40% Assessment
To understand economics and succeed in ECON2010 read the text once before the lecture…and once afterwards read by section come to class take good notes
To understand economics and succeed in ECON2010 work the problems in the text book work steadily week by week, not just a few days before an exam!
To understand economics and succeed in ECON2010 do not despair if things seem complex, they are just different! do not get overconfident if things seem easy; they are, but they might get more complicated!
Any Questions? Any suggestions?