CUMASC: Collaboratively Unify and Aggreagte Streams of Media Khurshid Ahmad/Shane Finan Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin Role: Proposal activity: SEC-19-BES-2016: Data fusion for maritime security applications Disclaimer: with the submission of this presentation the consent is given by its author for the organisers to distribute the presentation. SMIG January
Proposal idea/content The extremely large volumes of real-time and offline data streams available on the smallest of crafts or individual surveillance officers is proving overwhelming. The data comes from multiple sources of varying quality, provenance, and from differing jurisdictions. We propose Project CUMASC (Irish word for fusion): To develop and live-test a system to automatically interpret imagery and sensor data in a noisy environment; To aggregate surveillance pictures incorporating inputs from different analysts; To detect sentiment from sound, text and imagery data; To ensure data provenance and ethical guidelines under civil and military law. SMIG January
Project participants Proposed coordinator: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Partners Other participants: Data Piano SrL, Italy; CID, GmBH, Germany Universities of Ulster and Leipzig IBM Ireland National Mritime College of Ireland Looking for partners with the followingexpertise/technology/application field: Defence and Police Forces in the EU Ethics and legal experts Maritime and field communications SMIG January