I am really cross about your literacy!
Top 9 tips 1.Build time into the writing process for editing 2.Resources to help – e.g. word mats, dictionaries, literacy criteria, crimes against literacy charge sheet 3.Read work out loud 4.Work backwards, sentence by sentence 5.Rest, relax, re-read 6.Ask someone else to take a look 7.Don’t mark it! 8.Different colours for different areas e.g. green = spellings, blue = punctuation, red = capital letters 9.Focus on one thing per edit
1. Spelling 4. Grammar Edit it 2. Capital letters 3. Punctuation
1.Spelling Medieval Cholera Unhygienic 4. Grammar throne/thrown Edit it 2. Capital letters Black Death Poor health 3. Punctuation Line 4 – full stop at end Line 17 - tackle the problems.
Why do many people chose to get married? There are a number of reasons why many still get marryed today. the obvious one is they are in love and want to comit to each other. christians say we are all made in Gods image and because he is omni-benevolent we should show our love through marriage. Secondly, it could of been a desire to have children. Finally, they’re may be financial reasons for the couple deciding to marry.
Your turn – 12 minutes Vows Faithfulness Commitment Omni-benevolent Legal Beliefs Religious Children Christian God Capital letters at the start of sentences Their There They’re Of and have Use RE words
“I've found the best way to revise your own work is to pretend that somebody else wrote it and then to rip the living s*** out of it.” ― Don Roff (writer and filmmaker)