Phrases The meaning is DIFFERENT than the words
Break a leg?
Phrases They are used everyday. Not always easy!
To have a big mouth You talk too much!!
Big Mouth?
He is a busy bee A busy person!
Busy Bee?
Big Mouth?
He is a Chicken To be scared! To not be brave!
Which one is the chicken?
In one ear, out the other. To not understand!
In one ear and out the other?
Easy as Pie Very easy!
Easy as pie?
Throw in the towel Give up
Throw in the towel?
Fingers crossed Hope for good luck!
Fingers Crossed?
Tie The Knot Get Married!
Tie the Knot?
Give someone a hand. To help!
Helping hand?
Two More!
Break the Ice Make people feel better when you first meet. 반갑습니다 !!
Break the Ice?
Be under the weather To be sad!
Who is under the weather?
Under the weather?
Big Mouth?
Are they breaking the ice? A helping hand? Tying the knot?
Which is this? 1.Helping Hand? 2.In one ear, out the other? 3.Busy bee
I am meeting a new person. Which expression do I use? Break the ice I am getting married. Tie the knot The person talks a lot Big Mouth When I am sad Under the weather When I want good luck Cross fingers Break a leg
What about me? Have I tied the knot? Am I a busy bee? Do I have a big mouth? Am I under the weather?
Game I will show you a picture Tell me what expression it is! First person to answer goes first!
In one ___ and out ___ other