Changing Times, Changing Children: Achieving Quality in Early Intervention University of Worcester Professor Chris Robertson April 2009
Every Child Matters (2003): the vision Build services around the child and the family Develop a shared sense of responsibility across agencies Develop the workforce, changing culture & practice Develop integrated universal services – early years, health & education Listen to children and their families More specialised help & early intervention Radical improvement in opportunities and outcomes for children, driven by whole-system reform of the delivery of children’s services:
Children Act 2004 Establish a Children’s Commissioner to champion the views and interests of children Cooperation between agencies Duty to safeguard & promote children’s welfare Duty to set up Local Safeguarding Children Boards Systems to enable better sharing of information about children Single statutory Children and Young People’s Plan drawn up by each LA
Outcomes for children & young people Communications Supporting Change Improvement Cycle Policies & Products Outcomes & Aims Inspection Criteria Targets & Indicators A national framework for local change
The children’s trust in action Outcomes for children & young people
The challenges? 1.Effective communication 2.Clear understanding of roles and responsibilities between professionals and families 3.Maintaining high level of professional specialism 4.Developing trust 5.Empowering parents and families
And the real big challenge is Addressing social disadvantage
Useful References DfES (2004) ‘Five year strategy for children and learners’, DfES Kirk, G. & Broadhead, P. (2007) ‘Every Child Matters and Teacher Education: A UCET Position Paper’, Leadbeater, C. (2005) ‘The shape of things to come: Personalised learning through collaboration’, DfES, Pollard, A. & James, M. (Ed.) (2004) ‘Personalised Learning’, TLRP/ESRC,