Hans Karlsson Award for Leadership and Achievement Through Collaboration Status report from HKA Chair: Dave Schultz February 7, 2007
2 HKA Criteria “in recognition of outstanding skills and dedication to diplomacy, team facilitation and joint achievement in areas of the computer industry where individual aspirations, corporate, and organizational rivalry could otherwise be counter to the common good” Outstanding skills and dedication to diplomacy Team facilitation Joint achievement In development or promotion of CS standards
3 Past Awardees (1 of 2) 1996 Leonard L. Tripp (S2ESC) "For your long-term service and leadership of the IEEE Computer Society Software Engineering Committee (SESC) and related activities“ 2001 Victor Hayes (LMSC) "For your dedication to the advancement of technologies and their use in a wide area of segments, markets, and applications benefiting all our lives“ 2002 H. Wayne Hodgins (LTSC) "For your extraordinary leadership and vision that led to the first learning technology standard and that was instrumental in moving an entire industry to pursue a standards- based rather than a proprietary approach"
4 Past Awardees (2 of 2) 2004 David B. Gustavson (MMSC) "For outstanding leadership in Standards and for your insight, organization, and political astuteness in bringing the Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) (IEEE ) to fruition, significantly advancing the art and science of scalable systems" 2005 Yervant Zorian (TTSC) "For outstanding leadership, communications, and achievement with the IEEE Testability Method for Embedded Core-based ICs standard (IEEE Std ) through collaboration with major industry groups“ 2006 Jack Cole (IASC) "For bringing together diverse interests with inspired leadership, dedication, and vision in producing five storage system standards, and forming the first information assurance standards committee“
5 HKA Committee Dennis Brophy, DASC Jim Isaak, POSIX Jack Cole, IASC and SSSC Gary Robinson, MMSC Geoff Thompson, LMSC John Walz, SAB Chair (past HKA chair) Dave Schultz, S2ESC (chair)
6 HKA Nominations We’re soliciting nominations from all Sponsor Committees The nomination form is on the SAB website Each nomination requires 2-5 endorsements Nominations and endorsements are due in October