Wiki on DES homepage: Accessing CMS TD – Departments Talent Development
Mission To provide gifted students the opportunity to maximize their potential, demonstrate their motivation, and realize their contributions to self and the global community
Goal To support the development of a content-rich educational experience for students from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds throughout CMS
Opportunities and Resources for Learners to…… attain levels of academic achievement consistent with their abilities engage in abstract, creative, and affective reasoning apply insightful questioning develop a capacity to see interconnections among disciplines practice self-directed learning and independent problem solving strive for self actualization maximize their leadership potential become active participants in the global community
In this model… the Talent Development Resource Teacher and the classroom teacher(s) work collaboratively to meet the needs of and share responsibility for gifted learners The Catalyst Model
What Is The Curriculum? The North Carolina Standard Course of Study, Common Core, and more….
Collaboration/Planning Teachers have weekly planning for both literacy and math. It is during this time that resources and ideas are shared. Without differentiation everyone moves at the same pace, completes the same assignments, and is evaluated the same way.
What Does the Catalyst Model Look Like? Indirect Services Direct Services
Indirect Services Lessons and activities are prepared by the TD Catalyst Teacher in collaboration with the Classroom Teacher. The lessons and activities are used by the Classroom Teacher in the regular classroom. Gifted identification is also part of Indirect Services provided by the TD Catalyst Teacher.
What Can Indirect Services Look Like? Centers Projects Contracts Alternative assignments/assessments Curriculum compacting contracts Team Planning
Direct Services Lessons for gifted learners that are the sole responsibility of the Catalyst Teacher. They are developed and taught to gifted learners by the TD Catalyst Teacher, often delivered through collaboration or by team teaching.
What Can Direct Services Look Like? Demonstration Lessons Small group instruction Pull out for a set period of time Activities related to classroom instruction
William and Mary Curriculum Developed by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary Designed to meet the needs of highly able learners Integrates reading and writing with listening and speaking Emphasizes higher level thinking and reasoning Develops the concept of change Literature selected with an eye towards rich language, complex themes, and opportunities for interpretive discussion
Continued Support in Math Consulting Resource for materials Focus on problem solving and strategies Incorporating technology and the Internet Flexible grouping
Literacy Schedule Students receive direct services for Literacy during their “flex” time (2-4 times per week…more contact than in the past!) Students work on reading skills (enrichment, extensions, acceleration, or review) based on classroom data (CFAs or teacher assessments) Differentiation at the classroom level is provided during the regular Literacy block
Math Schedule Students receive small-group, direct services for Math one or two times per week Students work on problem-solving skills, Math Olympiad competition, extension projects, or Math Fair project Differentiation at the classroom level is provided during the regular Math block
Learning Environment R M Within-Class Grouping R M Flexible Grouping on Grade Level R M Cluster Grouping
Content Modifications R M- Academic Enrichment/Level of Instruction R M- Differentiated Units R M- Curriculum Compacting R M- Learning Centers/Choice R M- Interest Groups/Choice R M- Projects/Products-Teacher/Student Options R M- Technology Enhancement R M- Other:
Special Programs Curriculum Curriculum Junior Great Books William and Mary Language Arts Math Fair Math Superstars Hands-on-Equations WordMasters Math Olympiad Jacob’s Ladder Math Bee Spelling Bee Clubs/Extracurricular Clubs/Extracurricular Spectrum of the Arts Quiz Bowl Chess Club Newspaper Odyssey of the Mind Duke TIP News Crew Student Council Art Club Green Team
Performance Review Content (Understanding and Use of Subject Matter) Product (Learning Outcomes) Process (Skill Development) Affective (Attitudes and Behaviors) 4 – Exceeds2 -- Partially Meets 3 – Meets1 -- Needs Improvement ***”2”s or “3”s are acceptable and expected! A “4” truly means outstanding work.***